READ ME~!! 3 weeks into flower AND


So, 3 weeks in to flower and a plant that I have just put a few 'pods' out literally overnight.. just one on a few different branch intersections (all up like 4 on the plant) it already has some good flower actin going on and was wondering;
what does this mean?

I hope that its feminized seeds but im probabily dreamin' right?
I thank everyone whom might shed some light on this matter.


Active Member
It could be a pre-flower. They appear as a one calyx 'pod' that grow at the 'Y" intersection between the main stem and the branch.

If it is a herm that pod will have a small stem itself. Also if there is a pistol 'hair' comming out of it, it is female.


Active Member
Pics would give you a better and more acccurate answer. Like someone up there said that if theres a white hair coming out of the calyx then its female. Later on when they hermie they grow little banana looking things out of the buds thats another sign of hermie.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a boy plant to me, but people have been confusing nanners with calyxes very often around here, so we would need pics.