Ready for harvest?


Hi there this is my first grow
my white widow is close to harvesting, merely half of the hair thing went brown but there are still some buds with all white hair. it finished flowering week 9. should harvest right now or wait a lil longer?



Well-Known Member
What are the trichomes telling you? it looks a ways from beingready to me, those buds have alot more growing to do still. If you harvest too early your going to regret it, the plants add most of the buds mass the last few weeks of flowering. Those buds dont look dense at all.
it'll be 3 weeks maybe 2 for the more developed colas. Dont chop it all at once, you should do a staggered harvest.


Well-Known Member
looks fluffy like it has spent some time with cfls. get 4 or 5 bulbs on the top and when it finishes cut the top off,lower the bulbs and finish the looks cool though.


It has been 9 weeks on flowering and 6 weeks on vegetative, I grow in a grow box and this is the only plant (with 250w HPS)
I cut off fertilizers 2 weeks ago.I was planning to cut the plant this week so what do u suggest should I continue with water for another week? or should I add some fertilizer to the water


Active Member
a lot of white hairs still..........but you cant actually be sure of harvest time unless you check the trics out under a 60-100x magnifier from your local hemp shop,, cuz really they hairs have nothing to do with tellin when its harvest time


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does this plant look like it is 4 or 5 feet tall? a 250 wont do a very good job on the middle to bottom of that without some help.If you cant get some side lighting on it try to finish the top and cut it in half and then finish the bottom.You might try to move the plant to one side, drop your light down right next to the top as far down as you can, and rotate it as much as you can during lights on. good luck.


Active Member
First time grower here. I want the best buds possible so I'm planning on getting a magnifier, but how can I tell the trichs are ready?


Well-Known Member
go to harvesting and curing, there are charts and pics to help you decide when to chop, i like to shot for 40-50% amber but thats just me.


Active Member
Congrat's on your first time growing. That looks beautiful. But depending on how old this post was, there's a sticky in one of the other threads that is all about harvesting and curing. Even though that is WHITE widow. you should wait until its a little more amber color and curing it will bring the bright white and sugar coated buds that everyone loves.


Active Member
shit man thats one big long cola!! judging by your name i take it your from london. If you havent got a 30x microscope yet then go to amazon and get one for about £3.50 delivered. It will let you know wheh the trichs are ready for harvest and depending on what kind of smoke your looking for. If you want couch lock harvest when 20/30 percent amber if you want a head high then harvest when trichs are cloudy. Hope that helps bro



Dude, you and I are in the same boat! My WW's look exactly like yours at week 9.5 (some brown hairs but mostly white and loose/airy buds). I checked mine under a fine ass microscope the other day and the trichs are proceeding to cloudy but mostly clear still. I estimated 2-3 more weeks (unfortunately probably longer) and would think thats true of your grow as well


Well-Known Member
ya man i would wait a little while longer. a week or two max tho. be patient i regret cutting one of mine early.
you can get microscopes at radio shack im pretty sure. or the internet works great too...
and no dont give her any more nutrients you want her to starve so you dont taste any nutrients. pure distilled water is what i use.


I just got the microscope from radioshack for 13 bucks...hard to use after a bunch of coffee haha but works great (I ended up cutting off a little piece and put it on white paper). Overall trichs are 50% cloudy 50% clear (day 66 flower)


Active Member
She's a beauty, you should be proud for a first timer. Add a drop of N if you want to be proactive but i'd wait a few weeks to harvest, she's still got lots of weight and resin to pack on.