Ready to chop?


Active Member
(Blue Dream Auto week 11) I can't get a decent photos of her trichomes but I think I'm seeing some milky some amber. These are different little buds around the plant is anybody experienced enough to tell from my pics is she's ready to chop? Thank you.



Well-Known Member
Yes, I messed up on a few things. This was my first grow ever and I have a pack of 5 seeds so she was a learning experience more than anything
It happens… might as well cut your losses on this one. Save electricity and further work on it.

Maybe run a simple bagged soil mix next time.
Then feed with a simple dry fertilizer ( dr. Earth / espoma tomato tone / etc. ) this way you eliminate unnecessary steps.


Well-Known Member
Yep, already have the journal ready to go. Thanks again everybody
He means start a grow journal here on the forums. I post weekly updates on mine and give info on what has been going on that week. Whenever I ask for help, I always like my grow journal for reference. It's a great idea plus you will have a photo album that you can always go back to.