Ready to Flip?

Frank Warthog

Active Member
They'll likely double to triple in size when you flip so measure up your tent and see how much space you have to play with. If you want bigger plants veg for longer, if not flip now.


Well-Known Member
Personally I’d grow them out more if I went six weeks in veg. I feel your impatience. But you’re this deep in, I’d get them the size you want and then flip. Take what you’ve learned from your time and apply it on the next grow. You’ll have a little more smoke and a better understanding of problems, how to correct, and how long some take to correct and what they cause. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
If it was me, I get rid of the one on the left, put the others in bigger pots veg another 4 weeks, but keep flattening them out, (to get all the side branches even), then flip them. Why? Because you tent really only has room for 2 plants when they get full into flower!


Active Member
If it was me, I get rid of the one on the left, put the others in bigger pots veg another 4 weeks, but keep flattening them out, (to get all the side branches even), then flip them. Why? Because you tent really only has room for 2 plants when they get full into flower!
Interesting. Ive never heard that one. So two plants in a 4x2 space then?

Also theyre three different strains so I really dont want to remove the one on left. I know what you mean but I have faith that will catch up.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Ive never heard that one. So two plants in a 4x2 space then?

Also theyre three different strains so I really dont want to remove the one on left. I know what you mean but I have faith that will catch up.
Easier to water 1st and foremost. 2 is easier than 3.