Ready to initate flowering?


Active Member
I started my plants on 4/12/09 it is now 6/5/09 less than two months old. I ahve them on a 24/0 light schedule and they are starting to show their sex... Should I switch the light phase to maybe 18/6 to help initate the flowering process, or continue the 24/0 sicne they are still so young?

Was checking out the FAQS and it had mentioned that they show their sex after you initiate flowering...

Here is a picture of the female pistil so you know how along she is.. this is the first sign of sex I have seen on her, and I am pretty sure the other one is going to be male since it looks nothing similar to the female I have already, ill just keep my fingers crossed for the other 2 turn out female.. but I am quite aware of my luck :(

I would appreciate any input you all have to offer, this site has been amazing so far.:joint:



Well-Known Member
is this an autoflowering strain? ..if not switch it to 12/12..if its auto..its not gonna matter..just because the plants dont look the same doesnt mean it wont be female


Active Member
is this an autoflowering strain? ..if not switch it to 12/12..if its auto..its not gonna matter..just because the plants dont look the same doesnt mean it wont be female

I am not quite sure what the strand is so I cant tell you if it is autoflowering or not.

What I meant by them not looking similar were the growths coming out as far as the female with the pistil and the male looknig more of a sac. I should probably take some new photos.


Well-Known Member
if they are balls..then take that shit out quick..cause ive had sacks burst open in a was no good man


Active Member
give me 5 minutes and ill ahve some new pix up, just finishin this vape bowl
kk here are some pics of the three in my grow room, I have one outside that is doing very well that I may bring in in place of this other guy if it is a male which i am really starting to think it is.. its hard as a father though.. :(

Anyways here are the most recent pics.



Well-Known Member
they look good maybe a little over far as telling it sex can take up to aweek or a lil longer to see what it is..just wait it sacks yet though..well non that i see


Active Member
Oh and the magazines are just a little something to help it get a little closer to the light since the other plant is a bit taller so I ahve to hang the light accordingly. They arent my reading material for the grow room... hahah


Active Member
I just introduced the plants to Tomato food so they did just get watered, i used the 1/4 of the normal amount as instructed by many growers. Do you see the ball looking things next to the corner of the index card though?