real problems with my plants. please help


hi, my plants were doing fine until this last week. im thinking when i changed the soil. i re planted them last night into there end pots in john innes no 3 mixed with perlite got two 200w cfl bulbs one veg one flower and fan running in there and they have gone from healthy to leaves curling and going yellow (see pics) if someone could point out the problem i would be greatful as i dont want to lose them. they are auto flower lemon o matic (doing the best) white russian, big bang auto, il divalo and low ryder. just over 3 weeks old.




Well-Known Member
They are gone, re use the soil may as well the plants haven't used it. The room is super hot and has severly stunted the seedlings which cannot handle hot grow room temps. Trust me on this ,cool it down start again they are fucked and also they were not fine last week they have been sick from the beginning due to the heat.


Well-Known Member
If you JUST replanted, those should be buried to the round leaves. Replanting seedlings, or even small plants you should bury them to those original leafs, there's less chance of shock that way, and makes the root system run deeper, since the part of the stem that is underground will eventually grow roots.

There is a chance of saving them. Just don't overwater.

They can survive the hot grow room temps, these are Arabic plants.


Well-Known Member
Stop watering those pots hold too much moisture for a seedling to grow nice roots.also you may wanna back up off the light a bit and get a fan,those shits are tiny
i got plants im not even trying to grow bigger than those.
just let the roots grow a bit before giving 2 much water starve them a little i would think whould get the little guys roots moving and looking for water, I agree they are verry small for a month dude. just leave them alone for a couple days. you should see progress in that time spand and if they will or will not bounce back, you will know after those few days say.... 3 days