Really small white worm like things on soil

I am watering/flushing my plants today and noticed that when there’s a pool of water it’s filled with microscopic larvae work like things. Wtf ! Maybe this has been my problem. I used grub grenade predatory mites so I don’t know why I have larvae or something unless they are good ones. ? Any help ?

Giving plants a break only 16 gals in and need to flush 35 gal pots ugh. I will take a picture shortly when I do the next round
Never mind. I found out they are springtails. Some research says good and bad. As long as their are not a lot, this being outdoor. But I’m not sure. Must be from the rain lately.
They were getting there and then I got some rain, but I need to give them a flush so they are getting that today. my pots are big 35 gal fabric so total dry is not a possibility. It’s been 7 days since I watered but it has rained here and there only decent amount once yesterday morning.
I have other problems I’m dealing with I just noticed these fuckers for the first time. 1 thing after the other. Typical learning curve grow both with plant and it’s surroundings lol
Thinking they came from work castings from the new layer or just random from the moisture ‍♂ Just don’t need anymore issues