recieving seeds with unreliable postal service.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a problem I'm un able to receive seeds through normal mail because in Mexico the mail gets stolen and the postal service sucks.... any one know of a seed bank that will send via who or fedex if i pay extra????
More likely you can get a certified mail where the item has to be signed for. They can probably insure the item through the mail for an extra price, if it gets stolen then they would reimburse the cost. That's at least how the mail works in the states.
More likely you can get a certified mail where the item has to be signed for. They can probably insure the item through the mail for an extra price, if it gets stolen then they would reimburse the cost. That's at least how the mail works in the states.
best thing i can think of ^^

if u do make orders, look at Attitude, they ship world wide and have guaranteed shipping options, so if the package is lost or stolen, they can replace it. good luck
I just ordered seeds via certified mail and its been a month i know dhl and ffedex work cause I've used them many times to receive things from the states. the problem is using certified general mail you can only track the package till it leaves you country....
With federal mail, the cops need a warrant to search it if its under a certain weight. Thats why they ship federal. But, you might be able to make a deal with the seed bank if you e-mail them your problem.