Recovering from overwatering???


Okay I have a couple of outdoor babies about 2 months old. A storm came through the other day, I noticed the leaves drooping but I assumed the rain put extra stress on them and in a couple days they'd perk back up. I continued to water as usual as I didn't know overwatering can cause this reaction. Well today(3rd since the storm) the leaves are like completely drooped. I've put a hold on watering and ensuring they get the most direct light possible. Any chance these plants will survive? Also these plants were started around late march/ early april. I found out later Late april/ early may was optimal. Will this have a MAJOR influance on my yeilds?


Active Member
Im growing outdoors as well and was kinda overwatering my girls. I let them sit for about 4 days and even waited for them to show a little droopage from no watering before I gave them more water. I dont think it will have a MAJOR affect against your yield. Its prob just gonna set them back 2 days or so. And since an outdoor plant vegges for 3 months+ depending on the suns cycle I dont think you will notice any difference at all.