Recovering stressed clones.

new to the forum but i've done a bit of reading before signing up, great site! and have to say thanks to every one who keep it going.

now i've got 4 clones (rooted), when getting them i put them into straight unflowed water expecting to have them into a proper setup within a day or 2, sadly things didn't go my way and they've been in the water for too long, to top that i've had a spider mite issue.

to get around this i drowned the clones in water, fully submerged for 1-2 hours then sprayed them down with omite after, seems to have taken care of them quite well..

any way i went away for a few days before spotting the mites, and they did a bit of damage to my plant, the leafs have gone quite yellow but not the point where they are try, still about 50% green.

im not sure if half the problem is lack of oxygen to the roots, but as of now i've added 2 small air stones and they should be getting lots of oxygen now, they will be going into a bubbleponics vertical setup next week!

any way my question is, will they recover fine from this? i would rather start from scratch if not, only issue is i have no clones so it would be from seeds, this would cut down a good 3 weeks from where i am now.



Well-Known Member
I'd help you if I could but I know less than nothing about drowning plants in order to fix a bug problem. My solution for bugs is a good jewelers loop and a clean pair of needle nose tweezers and alot of time
they seem fine from it, if anything the top leafs are getting more green again now, they are upright and healthy, remember weed can survive some pretty full on weather conditions.... and it was air raded water.

i can see an improvement, im just wondering if this can stunt my yield at all?


Well-Known Member
I don't see how if their of a size that allows for complete submersion and have happily survived the process then at worst you may have an extra week to wait but as for yeild I doubt that it would be affected.

Please get a second opinion on this, I'm drawing on environmental plant biology at a college level to surmise this and it may be completely inaccurate.


Well-Known Member
Dude if a clone has spider mites then there realy only is one thing that you can do and that is get them has far from your house has possible,I have been studying these little critters for ages now i have misted them with neat gin and they still lived they swayed abit but they was still alive lol i even seen one saying it wanted whiskey the cheeky git.On a seriouse note if a plant has a spider mite issue the best thing to do is look for a part of the plant that is least infested with them put the new took clones into a propagator and shut the vents and buy or get hold of some americans call lady bugs we call them lady birds they can munch there way through a good ammount of mites a day.But if possible if you can get the genetics again then get rid of the lot this sounds harsh but belive me they will cause problem upon problem bleach the room i mean neat bleach everything then put the fans on to dry it out continue this for a couple of week then start again it is the only way belive me.There are loads of differant products on the market claiming to kill them but i have tried them all once a poison has been put on the plants any eggs layed seem to become tollarent to it same has mice because they are born with it in there sytem so they become tollerant to it fight them with nature preditors like i say above they are the only things that work but if it is a clone that you can easy get again then just close down for a bit but clean the shit out of the room because they can lay dorment for months some say years till something green comes along.....tyke..................................................................................................................
this omite stuff seems to be working well, ive sprayed them with a fair wack for the last few days, every time i look by eye i can still see them, but if i get the lense out i can see them and i cannot get them to walk or move, if anything they just drop and dont move, so it looks like it's killing them..

i just want to make sure that if i recover from this (i'm giving it 1 full week to try) that i wont lose any yield due to it.

i plan on veging them for a further 5 weeks, so they should get a bit of time to recover i would of thought.