Recreational OTC drugs


Active Member
Im interested in trying different types of OTC drugs and experiencing different types of highs/trips. if you could list the ones you know of with a description of its effects, or a personal story that would be great.

im familiar with dxm and im quite fond of it. the light floaty feelings and euphoria are great as well as the lowered inhibitions and open mindness you experience.

im also familiar with benadryl (diphenhydramine) but am not so crazy about it. it puts you to sleep and its really trippy but not really in a good way. if you can stay awake you see spiders and hear voices, and think people are with you when theyre not. its interesting though.


Well-Known Member
i sucked down a whipped cream today. it was my first one in like 6 years, geez it was nice.


Active Member
OTC highs are no bueno. Dramamine (diphenhydrinate) has the same effects you described from diphenhydramine. I wouldn't go there.


Active Member
ive heard of the whipped cream thing, Whats it like? and yes ive also tried dramamine, thats not good either. however dxm is one of my favorite rec drugs.


Active Member
Have you experienced bug hallucinations with dxm, or was that only because you mixed it with the diphenhydramine? I thought about trying dxm, but after my experience with dramamine, decided to stay away from otc. =P


Active Member
hallucinations dont happen on dxm except in extremely large doses. dxm and diphenhydramine are completely different. dxm in a light dose (200-300mgs) is very similar to marijuana. a moderate dose(350-600mgs) is a very euphoric, very mind opening, and very entertaining high ( this is my personal favorite) high doses above 800 are very delusional and not good if your inexperienced with dxm. ive taken 1400mgs and left earth for 6 hours. it was amazing but not something to do regularly. try it im sure youl enjoy it


Well-Known Member
ive heard of the whipped cream thing, Whats it like? and yes ive also tried dramamine, thats not good either. however dxm is one of my favorite rec drugs.
im a hard core athiest, lets just say....for about 40 seconds after i sucked it down there WAS a god and it was me!!


Active Member
this is ROLLITUP.ORG, not MJ is way beyond any other "drug", i hate even calling it that. take your junkie talk elsewhere.


Active Member
this is ROLLITUP.ORG, not MJ is way beyond any other "drug", i hate even calling it that. take your junkie talk elsewhere.
Look what sub-forum you're in. =P

Considering the costs to buy enough to get high on dxm (I'm a fatty, in my experiences I gotta go with larger doses to get desired effects), I'd rather just buy a dub and roll a blunt. =P


Active Member
the fact that you can legally buy drugs does not make them any "lamer". dxm is a legitimate, powerful drug. So are you saying that when marijuana is legalized, and is able to be bought OTC it will be a lame ass substance?


Well-Known Member
the fact that you can legally buy drugs does not make them any "lamer". dxm is a legitimate, powerful drug. So are you saying that when marijuana is legalized, and is able to be bought OTC it will be a lame ass substance?
I see OTC drugs in general the ones that you find at your local rite aid or CVS pharmacy shelves... you can't buy pure dxm OTC... just cough syrup and triple C nonsense!


Well-Known Member
I see OTC drugs in general the ones that you find at your local rite aid or CVS pharmacy shelves... you can't buy pure dxm OTC... just cough syrup and triple C nonsense!
You're wrong sir... check out dexalone and sucrets cough.

Active ingredient is dxm only.

also... if you use any of the crap with other meds, do an extraction for god sakes!


Active Member
robotussin maximum strength is pure dxm. the only other ingriedients are inactive and benign. pure dxm is easy to OD with, buying the tabs, gels, and syrups makes it easy to get the dosage right