Red Base on Sprouts


Active Member
Well my sprouts are looking good :) I think!

The strain is RED DRAGON , if anyone has experience.

The seedlings have a red base. but the coloring on the top is a goodnice green and they look good to my newbie eye.

Anyone spot anything wrong.

PH has been right for 2 days now. temps (according to my walmart digital thermo are rarely below 78F!, only at night, right now it says 83.5F but the door is open with two fans blowing right on the sprouts. Maybe the sensor doesn't feel windchill factor. Bloody thing says my room is 77.5 but my thermostat says 70. could this cause it? I take the plants out now and again and boy do they get some wind with my ceiling fan on full blast. (trying to make the stem strong!)

Heres the pics: any response is appreciated.
BTW, they are so close because they are twins. Im a noob so I don't wanna separate the roots. They both are looking good anyways?


Active Member
not trying to tell u what to do man but i myself would take a plastic butter knife and gently cut them plants apart, being that small theres lil chance of cutting any roots