Red Hairs Question

I have a plant that is taking WAY too long to finish. It appears that it has finally stopped producing white pistils but I have had red hairs for quite some time. Do the red hairs ALWAYS recede? My trichs aren't quite there yet (70% cloudy, rest clear) and I was wondering if the hairs will always recede or do they sometimes fail to do so.

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
Not sure on the hairs, I just know that the trichs should be cloudy for peak potency and I think about 2/3 of the pistols should be red. Have you grown this strain before? Did you have any deficiencys that could have pushed your flower time back a bit?


I have seen several strains that do not recede the hairs, also strains that do not turn the trichs amber, just cloudy. If you could post pics we could help you decide how close it is.
This is my first grow. This plant went through some major stress too. I'm surprised its even alive. Currently, it's fan leaves are completely drooped over and the pistil development has ceased. A minor stress it went through was that it was under the wrong lighting for the first 3 weeks of 12/12 light. Even still, it is well passed its normal flowering time.

Oh, and it's Hindu Kush.