Red stems and little brown spots?


so the last few days I've noticed that my 24 day old seedling has been developing some small brownish yellow dots on the tips of her leaves. Along with these dots I've noticed that the stems are a very dark red. Please help. Thanks. O yeah I'm using FFOF soil and watering with distilled water (pH is around 6.9-7) the past few days the temp has gone down to maybe 64 but lately I've been able to keep it around 72-75. Growing under CFLs however I should be getting my new t5 light in the mail on Friday. I also ordered some botanicare cal-mag and that should be arriving sometime next week. I think I'm going to try and use tap water that has been treated with apple cider vinegar to lower the pH since I think it might be a pH problem. Thanks again.

image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgafter looking in the picture online its difficult to see the small brown dots but ill assure you that their there and copious in amount.

420 happends

Active Member
ive also heard if your ph is too high or outta wack it tends to show purple stems some say cold temps at night cause the stems to be purple too, the brown spots i think is phosphorus or potassium deficiencies im too sure which one,

Good luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to try and use tap water that has been treated with apple cider vinegar to lower the pH since I think it might be a pH problem. .
First I think your plant looks great. Red stems are pretty common, your leaves look perfect. I don't see any discoloration at all, but if you look hard enough you can find blemishes on any plant of any species.

You're growing in soil so your pH is probably fine. Add your cal-mag but don't go jacking around dumping vinegar on your plant because you "think" you have a problem. You'll end up creating one.