red worms out of nowhere in my pots


I am using technafloras full luneup in topsoil and perlite and these worms showed up. I know they r good fir soil and it shows that the roots environment is good but where do worms come from?


Well-Known Member
I am using technafloras full luneup in topsoil and perlite and these worms showed up. I know they r good fir soil and it shows that the roots environment is good but where do worms come from?
i would guess eggs in your soil................what soil are u using?


Well-Known Member
Yep I agree with that 1, if you didn't get sterilized soil, there's a chance of all types of stuff being in it. Hope they're not bad, I'd find out quick if it was them...


Well-Known Member
Yep I agree with that 1, if you didn't get sterilized soil, there's a chance of all types of stuff being in it. Hope they're not bad, I'd find out quick if it was them...
y would u ask google?.......................... u know u can come to me.........pal

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you got a picture of the worms in question, and are they actually worms, or are they larvae...

worms are good. most compost operations have extensive worm colonies, by design. many natural compost manufacturers do NOT sterilize their soils, since a healthy compost pile takes care of the weed seeds (the bad kind) and pathogens by itself.

if you have no camera, examine one closely under good light

it should look like this:

this is your Vermiform Garden Ally, and you should be glad of their presence and offer them homage in the form of kitchen scraps and coffee grounds weekly.

if it looks like this however....

It's time to break out the Sevin Dust (and not the shitty emo band, though that will drive most sensible crutters away from the area...)


I'm using top soil and they r def worms i used them for fishing back in the day hahaha the second picture is what ud feed my camelion hahahahaha thanks folks


Thanks eh and yea everyone on google calls them eggs hahaha cool. haha worm eggs hahahaha and when i bought the bags the girl looked at me like i was an idiot and said "there's no nutrients in that topsoil".....does she need to give her head a shake cause there r clearly eggs there so may there also be nutrients? Thanks eh


Well-Known Member
If your soil has compost or worm castings in it, there were a few red worm cocoons in it. Each cocoon hatches a few little red wigglers.