Reducing Nitrogen before cloning


Active Member
Hi all,

First off this is my first post. I've been reading through loads of the articles on here and want to congratulate you all on the excellent community you've set up.

I'm currently two weeks into my first grow and I have what looks to be a thriving great white shark girl. The problem is she's very lonely in my improvised grow tent (a very cheap fabric wardrobe which I'll maybe create a thread on if anyone is interested).

So I'm looking to take some clones. I've got a good idea of what to do, mostly from the info on here and various other sites. My query is: on several sites it is recommended to reduce the nitrogen from the medium (in my case miraclegrow potting soil which has nutrients already added), can you kind people please tell me if this is necessary and if so, how to go about it?

I've read that by simply watering the plant heavily a week or so before taking the clones, the nitrogen levels should be reduced enough to give the clones a fighting chance. Can anyone tell me how I can tell if the soil is ready?

I posted this in the noob forum due to this being my first post but please advise me where to move it to if this is the wrong location.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i cut mine when im feeding them and rootno problem. just keep them warm 24/7 and the humidity upin the dome and you should see roots in 12 to 14 days some strains a bit longer. good luck and welcome to the site.


Active Member
Thanks for the response and the advice mate. That's fair settled my mind as I didn't want to do anything to drastic and risk losing my only plant.

Don't suppose anyone has grown great white shark before? I got a clone from a mate and it didn't do much for around a week. Now its bigger every time I check on it. Its looking quite bushy but I've no experience to go on. Has anyone any experience with this strain and do they have any pointers?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Thanks for the response and the advice mate. That's fair settled my mind as I didn't want to do anything to drastic and risk losing my only plant.

Don't suppose anyone has grown great white shark before? I got a clone from a mate and it didn't do much for around a week. Now its bigger every time I check on it. Its looking quite bushy but I've no experience to go on. Has anyone any experience with this strain and do they have any pointers?
its a good strain.i grew it my 1st grow good high but i had problems so i did not see muchof a yeild.


Well-Known Member
here's a good writeup on cloning that i keep in my RIG notepad, dunno who wrote it though;

"Cut 45 degree angle 2-3 nodes down from top of branch (lower branches are better),CUT PREFERABLY near a leaf,then before applying root hormone PEEL leaf near cut to expose whats under the "skin" then apply root hormone, you can also remove extra "skin" with a razor near the cut to expose more area for roots to grow, remove all big fan leafs place carefully in pre-soaked cube.Fill propagation tray with thin layer of perlite ,great for high humidity levels, add some water to tray(ph 5.5) sway tray back and forth so water spreads evenly, put heat pad 75-80 degrees,spray clones and dome with water and cover propagation tray, 18\6 light cycle.Spray clones 1-2x's daily with water.For the first 3-5 days keep dome on, high humidity is vital.Every 2-3 days add water ONLY to propagation tray.After the first 5 or so days start removing the dome more and more every day.I have 100% success rate so far this way.About 7-10 days roots start becoming visible.Some strains take longer
Take your clone and cut at 45 degree under water this stop's any water getting trapped in the stem.Then make your hole in a pre soaked cube soak it at least a few hours b4.The hole also want's to be on a angle so it only has the least bit to grow through make your hole in the top and come trough the side instead of the bottom.Always keep the vents shut till you have at least a small root system showing,also don't give your clone's anything stronger than superthrive put one drop into a 1 litre bottle.Keep the lid of your propagator well missted but don't have them too wet the wetter the cubes are the less the roots will grow i'm not saying have them dry but you plant will have to start to search out water causing it to root quicker.Hope this helps good luck.I also like to put a few tiny slits in the other side to the 45 degree cut say 3/4 but don't go too deep.I have tried everything for clone's over the years and i would say gel is the best but stick to what you know.But if you are not useing gel give it ago." -someone else


Well-Known Member
As far as i know the clones feed on what they have, so extra nitrogen seems like a good thing, i have seen lots of yellowing clones. Raising the phosphorus is a good idea as it aids in rooting.


Active Member
I have read nothing specific about cloning MJ but have not been able to clon some mauji waui plants. All the gardening magazines I have read state too much nitrogen at this phase inhibits root production. Anyone else heard of this


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I've ordered some clonex and should be taking the clones in the next week so I'll update the thread with how I get on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I've ordered some clonex and should be taking the clones in the next week so I'll update the thread with how I get on.
Remember to put that clonex in the refrigerator after you use it or it goes to shit.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
I dont feed my moms heavially b4 taking cuttings because it slows rooting down, not a ton but a significant amount even still.

Usually clones yellow a lil right b4 rooting, it shows that they need food and are searching out for it by making roots.


Well-Known Member
Spray heavily with plain water that will help draw nitrogen out and all it does is speed up rooting process