Reflector question.


Active Member
So I got this

And the hood is slightly to big for my room ( it fits but very little room on each side) Am I better of doing the tight squeeze or can I just run the cool tube by itself. The room itself is about 4x2.6x8 heat shouldnt be an issue as it gets really cold. There are fisheyes on the tube itself I assume to use it in this manor. Also when hanging should the bulb itself be touch the cool tube?


Well-Known Member
bulb shouldn't touch tube. It must be screwed in crooked or the socket bracket is bent.
you can run tube alone.
they sell smaller reflectors on amazon and ebay for cool tubes.


Active Member
I think the bracket must be a little off, So would you reccomend the tube over the tight squeeze with the air cooled hood? I wouldnt be able to fit an intake tube or anything on it anyways.


Well-Known Member
No. lol... the less light lost the better.
If it fits. put it in. if heat becomes a problem.
I can give you some pointers and tips on how to help yourself out(using the tight squeeze to you advantage)
BUT if no issue present, it's wasted money.

Use the hood, get some mylar or similar product

if cost is an issue, walmart sells reflective(mylar) emergency blankets in the camping section, they are in a small box about 3"x5"x1/2". so don't expect to find them with the rest.

Good luck.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I don't click random links from new people here sorry. But using a reflector with a cool tube is almost always a good idea.