Regular vs Femenized - advice appreciated


Well-Known Member
So I already know the deal with Regular vs Femenized seeds but I'd like a little advice from you experienced growers. I would consider myself a novice grower but not a total beginner. I still have about 5 fem seeds left and am seriously thinking about getting some regs and use some to guerrilla grow in the spring and some to maybe do inside as well. The reason i'm thinking about getting regs is bc i'll never run out of seeds but with the fems i eventually will bc they can't produce seeds without males. Do you guys think it would be a good idea for a novice grower to grow some regs? I'm planning on getting a 250 watt hps soon so I'd say maybe 3-4 plants could go under it. Or should I just stick to fems?

Thanks and keep blazin' :joint:


Active Member
So I already know the deal with Regular vs Femenized seeds but I'd like a little advice from you experienced growers. I would consider myself a novice grower but not a total beginner. I still have about 5 fem seeds left and am seriously thinking about getting some regs and use some to guerrilla grow in the spring and some to maybe do inside as well. The reason i'm thinking about getting regs is bc i'll never run out of seeds but with the fems i eventually will bc they can't produce seeds without males. Do you guys think it would be a good idea for a novice grower to grow some regs? I'm planning on getting a 250 watt hps soon so I'd say maybe 3-4 plants could go under it. Or should I just stick to fems?

Thanks and keep blazin' :joint:
I have popped seeds before but never grew them out for various reasons. Try taking a couple clones from plants while in veg, if it's a new strain for you. Then keep them alive while you're flowering. When you feel like you hit the jackpot with one of them, you have the genetics in the clones you cut. Now you can take more cuts and throw the big ones in flower. If you're not too excited about the quality or yield, don't clone them. You'll still have 1 or 2 - 8 week vegged monsters to flower out. I never want to have a seed in my buds :!:


Well-Known Member
...have you considered just doing a femminized seedrun? ...having femmed beans for an outdoor op makes things go much better, no males to worry about or cull so all your plants will be female going in which should mean a better yeild.

DIY Colloidal Silver Generator [For Seed Feminization]

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to produce seeds? If you are, then you'll need male and female plants. Or at least pollen from a male plant. You could isolate a male as soon as you spotted it and harvest the pollen in a small vial or plastic bag.

I would use "regular" non-feminized females as seed bearers. One healthy, pollinated female will produce a good amount of seeds. Choose good breeding stock. You want strong, healthy plants that stand out from the others,

Maybe build a small box just to put a male and female in, separate from the rest of your grow area. Very separate And wash or toss clothes after handling pollen. The stuff is tiny and can find a way to female pistils miles away if the wind is right.


Well-Known Member
My personal choice is to never buy feminized seed unless I can't get a regular version at any price. "Who make a fruit that can't make a seed?" No males no seeds, Every last one of us should be chucking pollen a little bit otherwise we will lose genetic diversity from the seed stock and that would be very bad. very bad indeed.


Well-Known Member
My personal choice is to never buy feminized seed unless I can't get a regular version at any price. "Who make a fruit that can't make a seed?" No males no seeds, Every last one of us should be chucking pollen a little bit otherwise we will lose genetic diversity from the seed stock and that would be very bad. very bad indeed.
Losing the genetic diversity that we created.

The landrace strains that created every "Bubbledeisel Skunkberry CheeseRhino X Haze" we know of today are still out there doin their thing....or "thang". Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Losing the genetic diversity that we created.

The landrace strains that created every "Bubbledeisel Skunkberry CheeseRhino X Haze" we know of today are still out there doin their thing....or "thang". Sorry.
Thats highly unlikely due to the UN eradication programs, war, deforestation and global warming...


Well-Known Member
My personal choice is to never buy feminized seed unless I can't get a regular version at any price. "Who make a fruit that can't make a seed?" No males no seeds, Every last one of us should be chucking pollen a little bit otherwise we will lose genetic diversity from the seed stock and that would be very bad. very bad indeed.

There is cannabis growing every where in the world. It would be almost impossible to hurt the genetic diversity of cannabis. "UN eradication programs, war, deforestation and global warming" can not do shit. It would be impossible to eradicate wild cannabis in Nebraska, much less the world.

You can make seeds from feminizeds seeds, no problem I have done it, it is easy.


Well-Known Member
You can make seeds from feminizeds seeds, no problem I have done it, it is easy.
not without a male and if you get fem seeds and they are all fem no male, male no seeds. And aparently your young and do not have any recollection of old strains of weed that are now lost.


Well-Known Member
not without a male and if you get fem seeds and they are all fem no male, male no seeds. And aparently your young and do not have any recollection of old strains of weed that are now lost.
...not so grasshopper, that's why i posted a link in my first posting in this thread, you could learn how to make a female throw femminized pollen for the production of femminized beans, that's what Trousers is talking about, ...believe me, he and i aren't the only ones in this hobby who know how to do this and if you study that thread you can join the ranks of those 'in the know', as it were, lol.

...and i'm FAR from young, i've probably been blazin' the ganja longer than you've been breathing so i remember, ...what you don't consider is that marijuana is a weed that grows EVERYWHERE on the planet, ...who cares if the genes are identical to those available in the 60's, genes evolve, whatever we do, that's the nature of things.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
So I already know the deal with Regular vs Femenized seeds but I'd like a little advice from you experienced growers. I would consider myself a novice grower but not a total beginner. I still have about 5 fem seeds left and am seriously thinking about getting some regs and use some to guerrilla grow in the spring and some to maybe do inside as well. The reason i'm thinking about getting regs is bc i'll never run out of seeds but with the fems i eventually will bc they can't produce seeds without males. Do you guys think it would be a good idea for a novice grower to grow some regs? I'm planning on getting a 250 watt hps soon so I'd say maybe 3-4 plants could go under it. Or should I just stick to fems?

Thanks and keep blazin' :joint:
If you learn how to clone, you'll never need seeds again until you wish to try a different strain...problem solved.


Well-Known Member
...not so grasshopper, that's why i posted a link in my first posting in this thread, you could learn how to make a female throw femminized pollen for the production of femminized beans, that's what Trousers is talking about, ...believe me, he and i aren't the only ones in this hobby who know how to do this and if you study that thread you can join the ranks of those 'in the know', as it were, lol.

...and i'm FAR from young, i've probably been blazin' the ganja longer than you've been breathing so i remember, ...what you don't consider is that marijuana is a weed that grows EVERYWHERE on the planet, ...who cares if the genes are identical to those available in the 60's, genes evolve, whatever we do, that's the nature of things.

peace, bozo
Well then your definition of good breeding practices difers greatly from mine. Keep your mutated hermie seeds.


Well-Known Member
How can you know shit about breeding when you make the dumbest threads?
First off I didn't start this stupid thread. Second I couldn't care less if take me seriously when I'm speaking about cannabis growing and breeding, if you do not thats your loss. Third if you don't like me, my posts, the way I answer wiseass comments back with wiseass comments or anything else about me, you and anyone else who so chooses can place me on ignore. So to reiterate from past threads :finger:.


Well-Known Member
Well I think this thread was started to get info,not to see who's got the biggest set of experience with females have all been good,no hermies except a blackwater(after 5 years of growing indoors I got one)..I feel fem seeds can be benificial in pulling off quick crops(you don't have to sex the plant) but also may set you back if you got bad far as reg seeds,more stable and you have the option of saving a male for breeding,if that's what you wanna do..regardless of either..choosing good stock through reputed company's is the first consideration in buying seeds..and after you find that "keeper" learn how to clone,and you never need seeds again,unless ya get antsy for a new far ass all the breeding arguments in this thread,I may not know how to breed,but I don't think breeding was the issue of this thread...could be I'm stoned tho:-[


Well-Known Member
Can you do your guerrilla wherever you had planned, do 1 male at home, then just pollenate however many you want?


Well-Known Member
Well I think this thread was started to get info,not to see who's got the biggest set of experience with females have all been good,no hermies except a blackwater(after 5 years of growing indoors I got one)..I feel fem seeds can be benificial in pulling off quick crops(you don't have to sex the plant) but also may set you back if you got bad far as reg seeds,more stable and you have the option of saving a male for breeding,if that's what you wanna do..regardless of either..choosing good stock through reputed company's is the first consideration in buying seeds..and after you find that "keeper" learn how to clone,and you never need seeds again,unless ya get antsy for a new far ass all the breeding arguments in this thread,I may not know how to breed,but I don't think breeding was the issue of this thread...could be I'm stoned tho:-[

In my experience fems have been more stable than regulars.