rehydrating buds??

well I got everything dried up. but I think i might have over done it??

buds have that crispy feeling. but the stems were still bendable.

whats a good method for trying to get some moisture back in these buds? they are currently curing


Active Member
well I got everything dried up. but I think i might have over done it??

buds have that crispy feeling. but the stems were still bendable.

whats a good method for trying to get some moisture back in these buds? they are currently curing

uhm.. you might try using the search feature :wall:, or even google for other options.

but since i already started typing, i'll mention that some people will use an orange peel (small pieces) and jars to "rehydrate" buds. If you dont have them in jars yet, and the stems are still bending, you should go ahead and put them in jars or otherwise sealed container.


Well-Known Member
well I got everything dried up. but I think i might have over done it??

buds have that crispy feeling. but the stems were still bendable.

whats a good method for trying to get some moisture back in these buds? they are currently curing
Crispy with bendy stems is how I like it right before I put them in the jars...

It's all preference...

thanks guys

yes i did use the search button, sometimes its easier to start a thread and get some replies.

If I feel they are still too dry in the next day or so, Im going to hit up a stogey shop and get some humidicubes!!!


Active Member
i like to take cotton swabs and dab the ends in water, then shake off really well and throw in a mason jar with your buds. works great and it doesnt leave a funky taste like using veges does.


Active Member
i read to used a fan leaf to rehydrate

yeh bendy stems just sounds like you need to pop em in the jars now,,,, the buds should get some moisture back in to them,,, make sure you don't make them mold


Elite Rolling Society
I always save a large piece of stem in the refrigerator when I harvest.

IF I OVER DRY, I add a piece of the stem to the jar for a day.


Active Member
To rehydrate your buds just get a weed leaf from the plant and put it in the jar. Keep an eye on it tho cuz if you leave it in for to long it can mess up your dank.
thanks for all your responses.

so far everything looks good; they have lost the dry crunchy exterior and are starting to get sticky.

I air them out once a day for a couple minutes