Rehydrating tips


Well-Known Member
I have overdried a few pounds of bud to the point it’s a bit crumbly, thinking of trying to rehydrate a little.. thought I would try putting it all into a big bag with a few orange peels in an effort to add some moisture back into them. Has anyone tried this before? Is it a waste of time? Will the orange smell mess with the flowers scent too much?
Appreciate your opinions.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think that rehydrating with anything organic is wise as it may promote mold…

my best bet for pounds on the cheap is to build a shotgun terrarium like used for shrooms with a rigged up shelf or two.. though the rh will vary..

next one is to rigg up a tote with alot of salt on the bottom (~1 inch of salt maybe half) as you use to calibrate a hydrometer.. (look up how to calibrate a hydrometer) it should hold rh to 75..
Let bud rest ther for awhile to get re humidified..

Or just build a box with enough screens to fit all your bud in.. and rigg it up with a humidifier, keep humidity high and controll it when too high for too long..

i know its hard to understand what im saying.. basically introduce humidity to it without adding forms of contaminations like orange peels because it can contaminate buds.. if you leave peels in there plus you dont really know whats in them peels, your better off adding a moist paper towel…(dont let it sit on the buds but raised overhead)

the old saying says theres more than one way to skin a cat..
Use your best judgement…..


Well-Known Member
I use bread to rehydrate #s. Regular ol loaf bread. Will stick a slice broken into 4 pieces throughout the bag. In 24 hours it's a crouton. Then I put a 62% Boveda or Integra packet in there to balance everything out.

Will affect the smell for about 48 hours then the 2 way packets bring it all back into balance.

Your mileage may vary.

Side question... anyone know a good method to rehydrate the 2-way packets?


Well-Known Member
I've seen people use cabbage or slices of carrot, I think the best is to throw fresh pot leaves in. Rehydrated pot is never as good as weed that has been jared/bagged at the right moisture level to begin with, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
You need to create a humid environment and then let the weed come to equilibrium in it. You can probably get away with rehydrating a small amount with a piece of a flour tortilla in a jar for a few hours, but for anything more, I'd probably run a humidifier in the room to ~60% and then ;ay the weed out on a big tray. But, yeah, rehydrating is never going to be as good as it could be.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the great advice.. I will definitely be more careful next time, as it was I still had some flower drying on a different rack that was still bendy at the stalk, I mixed a few of those in and everything feels pretty good this morning. Need to work on my dry/cure methods


Well-Known Member
I have also been known to leave it sitting out in my unfinished
basement. Cracked walls n all. It's pretty humid and cool down there. It'll be perfect in in no time.


Well-Known Member
Inside an enclosed space with a humidifier at around 72 rh.
I've kept cured bud like this for well over a year and it's always perfect moisture for smoking.
Given enough time your's "should" slowly rehydrate.


Active Member
This issue was already discussed last year. I can quote my post from there.
"To moisturize dry stuff, you need to provide it with some moisture (((
The question is how and how much?
Putting pieces of apple or other edible products in a closed jar is stupid advice, because this is a substrate for the development of mold; it is better to place on a piece of foil or a plastic lid of a suitable size any moistened material inert to mold - a cotton pad, paper, fabric, mineral wool.
The amount of moisture required can be calculated quite accurately if the hygrometer readings in a closed jar are known. For every 100 grams of herb you need 1 gram of water to raise the readings by 5%. If you don't have a gyrometer, you can simply add 1 g/per 100 g and stop or add again based on the result. Depending on the specific conditions, the process of moisture redistribution may last several days. "


Well-Known Member
I use bread to rehydrate #s.
Side question... anyone know a good method to rehydrate the 2-way packets?
I rehydrate Boveda packs in a container with some water in a bottle cap or shot glass. It can take several days or more.

Or put them in any hi humidity enviroment like the basement... or grow tent.

If I must rehydrate weed, I use Bovida packs. My other option is a little water in a bottle cap to raise humidity, but there is no controll with that.
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Active Member
Funkentelechy -I agree, theoretically so. Mold even forms on walls sometimes. But the probability is very small, since the species composition of fungi and the speed of their reproduction are much lower compared to those that settle on food products.


Well-Known Member
Interga boost 67 gram 62% rh version , i put em in touts ,bags to jars . Works great and I find if u buy the smaller sizes they seem to expire quicker/fail


Well-Known Member
While it may be true that citrus fruit rinds and tortillas, etc. might get moldy over time, I've done those kinds of things many times and didn't have any mold. Those tricks were typically just for a small amount of weed.....which meant that you only kept the rind in for an hour or two until the weed got a little less crumbly and wouldn't fall out of the end of the joint. Keep in mind, these tricks came from the days when weed was carried around in plastic sandwich baggies with leaves stems and seeds all banging around -and it almost always was too dry. The connoisseur level buds and all that boutique stuff came waaaay later when overly-dried weed wasn't as much of an issue. When the buds got more "sophisticated" then so did the ways of keeping it fresh.