Relentless genetics rozay R1


Has anyone in this forum had any experience growing this strain? I just purchased some seeds and was looking for some info? Nutes? Yield? Anything


Well-Known Member
No one can tell you what amount of nutes should be used. Nor yield you will get.

All plants have different needs. Even 2 of the same strain from seeds will have different needs. You will have to grow it to find out.


4x4 grow tent with two 500 led full spectrums. Nutes will be GH trio with some terpinator. The medium will be coco


Well-Known Member
I'm a soil grower. Have been for years. If you grow in coco normally I salute you. I can't give that much attention to my plants lmao.

Make a grow log so we can follow along.


Well-Known Member
Will do. It is a lot of work but I love to be able to know what I put in every single day
Many do. I like to tend to it once every couple of days.

I peak in once a day to make sure there is nothing going sideways but other than that I need to keep it simple.