Relight or Reroll???


Well-Known Member
Pipe? nice idea. love the fall back option. Under the toungue? done it. also put some in a fudge round... ooooohhh... won't do that again. I know stupid. I experiment ;) sadly that halfer is been deposited into the pile (pickle jar) just harvested and no need to dispute over a stogie. I just rolled 3 more. Day off, gotta enjoy it. happy token!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Depends how old it is. If its just a day or two, I'll just relight it. Might taste a bit crap, but its the same weed your smoke if you cut it open and recycled, with none of the work :-)


Well-Known Member
taste.... na don't matter. smoking for the benefit not taste. they make flavored tobacco products for that. I enjoy the pain relief. Got a jar full of roaches that are plan B. probably got some in there from early last year. never reach the bottom. I try to rotate but I don't hold inventory so not sure which one is which. usually by the crispy feel. Love the ease of just tearing and rolling :hump: