Removing Leaves At The End Of Flower?

Hello, my babys are about 6 feet tall and at the last week or two of floweringand wondering if there is any negative effects from me going and cutting the majority of old leafs off, (ones that are yellow dead or just dont seme very productive) i


Yellow dead and easy to remove leafs should be removed throughout the grow, they give pests places to live. It is not an uncommon practice to go in a day to two before harvest and remove all sun leaves to make trimming easier on harvest. At this point i would go through and pull any leafs that easily come off the stalk, save the rest for a little closer to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Oh, lord. You're going to get so many contradictory opinions on this it's not even funny. For the record. I've been taking leaves off mine since flowering started. I've also been taking the weaker looking side branches off and leaving just the really thick healthy stuff with no ill effects to my plant. You must go slowly if your going to do it though. Don't butcher it. take off just a 4-5 at a time over the course of many days so as not to shock the plant. Though I am POSITIVE someone will come on here and scream that YIELD WILL SUFFER, YOU HEATHEN!! Hell look at pics of my plants. They are doing great. If you are just talking about yellowing already dying stuff I say absolutely go for it.