removing water leaves does it help ?


Is it ok to remove the BIG LEAVES that are under the stalks? And does it help to give more to the BUD tops ? Removing them during the first blooming, does it hurt or HELP ?


Well-Known Member
same here and so far no noticeable definitive difference in cola so far
i did it to keep resin off of those big fan leafs to see if i could concentrate in theory it until i grab my big babies in the woods i wont know last time i was out there slower bud growth compared to others but bigger sizes


Well-Known Member
i did it to keep resin off of those big fan leafs to see if i could concentrate in theory it until i grab my big babies in the woods i wont know last time i was out there slower bud growth compared to others but bigger sizes
well mine dont look like it hurt them any so sim sure your fine


I'd say remove the fan leaves getting little to no sun and dead ones. I've been leaving the half dead nitrogen depleted fan leaves for the buds to use all of it up. I've been pulling the Potassium deficient cause they look more like a disease.


Active Member
Isn't in flowering good to take off big leafs. Since they are taking up energy and juice. Which could be used for budding power


Well-Known Member
they create energy keep them. the more photosynthesis that happens the faster she grows. also let the yellow leaves stay till they fall, they are still alive if they're attached. green is the first pigment color, yellow is the second(good for flowering), purple is the third pigment color.


Rebel From The North
After upward growth stop in flower the remove them if you want its not going to hurt a thing, in fact it will
Help lower development


Active Member
Welcome to one of the oldest weed growing arguments in the world lol :) Anyway.. I almost never pull/trim/prune HEALTHY fan leaves. Here's my explanation of why, using blower's quote to help illustrate my point:

Isn't in flowering good to take off big leafs. Since they are taking up energy and juice. Which could be used for budding power
I think this is untrue, and is probably the main reason people feel the need to yank all the leaves off their pot plants. What do you mean by "energy and juce"? The leaves PRODUCE energy through photosynthesis. Energy that is used for "budding power" ;) Why would the plant go through the trouble of growing a nice big fat solar panel if it was taking more "energy and juice" than it was creating via photosynthesis? That's why I only pull fan leaves for one of two reasons: The first being if the leaf looks sick/dead/yellowing or has obvious signs of nutrient burn or pest infestation. The only other reason I would pull a fan leaf is if I feel that the total surface area of a given fan leaf is lesser than the total surface area of the smaller leaves that it may be shading. Like if one big ole fat fan leaf is shading out 10 or 12 newly forming leaves, in some cases I may pull the one big leaf in favor of more smaller ones getting better light.

Anyway, that's just my take on it. I'm no weed expert, I just try learn what I can from my 5 or 6 years of growing in and out, and I could very well be wrong ;)
Welcome to one of the oldest weed growing arguments in the world lol :) Anyway.. I almost never pull/trim/prune HEALTHY fan leaves. Here's my explanation of why, using blower's quote to help illustrate my point:

I think this is untrue, and is probably the main reason people feel the need to yank all the leaves off their pot plants. What do you mean by "energy and juce"? The leaves PRODUCE energy through photosynthesis. Energy that is used for "budding power" ;) Why would the plant go through the trouble of growing a nice big fat solar panel if it was taking more "energy and juice" than it was creating via photosynthesis? That's why I only pull fan leaves for one of two reasons: The first being if the leaf looks sick/dead/yellowing or has obvious signs of nutrient burn or pest infestation. The only other reason I would pull a fan leaf is if I feel that the total surface area of a given fan leaf is lesser than the total surface area of the smaller leaves that it may be shading. Like if one big ole fat fan leaf is shading out 10 or 12 newly forming leaves, in some cases I may pull the one big leaf in favor of more smaller ones getting better light.

Anyway, that's just my take on it. I'm no weed expert, I just try learn what I can from my 5 or 6 years of growing in and out, and I could very well be wrong ;)
I'm definitely on your side of this debate.


Well-Known Member
I only remove the yellowing leaves that snap off easily... if they resist and are not yellow I don't take them.

but if you notice the plant is taking back from those leaves and you know you're feeding it enough, take the yellowing ones. leave the rest.


Active Member
U guys are right the plant doesn't need a full defoliation. But it helps if you trim off huge leafs and make space for sites that don't get light.


Well-Known Member
U guys are right the plant doesn't need a full defoliation. But it helps if you trim off huge leafs and make space for sites that don't get light.
or you can bend the leaves around to expose the site... middle ground. no excess killing necessary....


Well-Known Member
Indoors where you need ventlation, yes itd better to remover the lower stuff.
Outdoors no, its not needed and that big leaf under the stem is feeding the stem. Remove it, the stem does not grow as much.

BTW leafs store nutrients, not just water. By removing them you are not only removing that solar panel but the stored nutrients the plant needs later in flower.


Well-Known Member
yeah I remove deep inner stuff if I have a big bush.

if you have huge bushes that are 4+ feet tall and 3+ feet wide, you need to make sure the main stalk is visible and relatively free from growth so the air flow prevents mold. I usually don't have mold problems where I live but you never know, better to be safe and diligent than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Keep the leafs.. As some have said here just tuck the
big leafs away that are covering bud sites. The tucked leaves
will still get light. Working well for me without sacrifice.