REP.Ron Paul

i juss watched a tv show with ron paul stating that useing marijuana should be looked at as like wearing a seat belt.
''its ur decision to put what u want in ut body''


Well-Known Member
I'm sure coke heads, speed freaks and heroin junkies will like that revelation. I am a medical marijuana user and have had my time with coke and speed and do not wish to revisit either of them but I do not advocate legalizing marijuana either. We have enough issues with tobacco, booze and prescription drugs and now we have a 10x more powerful hydrocodone in development. Enough already.
im sure he was referring to MM,and i juss so happen not to live in a MM state so i think a lil more pushing may be required so us all living in the states can benifeit from MM.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure coke heads, speed freaks and heroin junkies will like that revelation. I am a medical marijuana user and have had my time with coke and speed and do not wish to revisit either of them but I do not advocate legalizing marijuana either. We have enough issues with tobacco, booze and prescription drugs and now we have a 10x more powerful hydrocodone in development. Enough already.
u know over half(52% to be exact) of all arrest are from marijuana. Medical or not I don't think anyone should be in jail for a natural plant and don't tell me people don't go to jail for it b/c i have 3 times and been turned down by jobs from it despite my positive references. We're not gonna arrest our way out of any substance problem in case anyone hasn't figure this out.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure coke heads, speed freaks and heroin junkies will like that revelation. I am a medical marijuana user and have had my time with coke and speed and do not wish to revisit either of them but I do not advocate legalizing marijuana either. We have enough issues with tobacco, booze and prescription drugs and now we have a 10x more powerful hydrocodone in development. Enough already.

Well dude you either believe in freedom or you believe in a government dictating your life. No one said freedom was pretty all the time, it is what it is. You either support it or you don't, but many people who "think" they support freedom, really don't because they still want the little controls within society to make them feel safer in their homes.


Active Member
Ron Paul will never win the nomination, sooooo hang it up. To the guy up top comparing Marijuana to alcohol and booze, really ? Uneducated people like yourself are why it's not legal. There are numerous life threatening conditions caused by tobacco and alcohol. While MJ has effectively treated such ailments. When is the last time a guy beat his wife because he smoked to much pot ? Happens all the time on booze. The only reason MJ was outlawed is because of a smear campaign orchestrated by corrupt business and it has stayed illegal because of corrupt politicians and lobbyists' deep pockets. It is an assault on our personal freedom and a travesty.
who was comparing mj to booze? looks like someone may need to take THEIR uneducated self back to school to learn how to read!!


Well-Known Member
cool, saved me some work today.

No new news from me today.

Ron Paul doesn't equal Legalization friends. Legalization is bigger than any one Candidate and we should respect that in this forum.

Well I have an extra hour now so I will do something else..

Three of these stories are very interesting.

Hey I know why don't you posters of Ron Paul take over posting the news in here?

Turn it into a politics forum with news.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure coke heads, speed freaks and heroin junkies will like that revelation. I am a medical marijuana user and have had my time with coke and speed and do not wish to revisit either of them but I do not advocate legalizing marijuana either. We have enough issues with tobacco, booze and prescription drugs and now we have a 10x more powerful hydrocodone in development. Enough already.
who was comparing mj to booze? looks like someone may need to take THEIR uneducated self back to school to learn how to read!!
Wow!:roll: :clap:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure coke heads, speed freaks and heroin junkies will like that revelation. I am a medical marijuana user and have had my time with coke and speed and do not wish to revisit either of them but I do not advocate legalizing marijuana either. We have enough issues with tobacco, booze and prescription drugs and now we have a 10x more powerful hydrocodone in development. Enough already.
Legal does not equal mandatory. If these things were to become legal, nobody would be holding a gun to your head forcing you to use any substance you don't agree with. On the other hand, you WILL have a gun pointed at your head should you be caught ingesting ANY of these substances (and that includes your medical marijuana. The federal govt. doesn't recognize states rights regarding the issue of MMJ).:leaf: