Replacing 2 Timbers with .....


Well-Known Member
We had our tents set up in a friends machine shed and it got hit by lightning a month ago and the entire thing burned down. Nobody was hurt and there wasn't really much in the building other than hay and our stuff. Anyway we had a 4x4 tent with a Timber Redwood VS and a 2x4 tent with a Timber 4VL. They were both totally awesome lights in our opinion but apparently Timber has gone away so we are trying to figure out what would be good replacements. The 4x4 is being replaced right now and hopefully we can do the 2x4 in a month or so.

The Redwood VS was 620 or 640 watts and could be dimmed to 10%. Love it.....what would be a comparable light today? Better off with a kit? I'm not against putting a kit together but am not interested in ordering separate parts.

The 4VL was either 320 or 340 watts and could be dimmed to 10%. Loved it....same questions as above.

Thanks for any ideas on similar price area or watts.
I have been checking them out. I kind of like 600 Rspec at $699 and 700 Rspec at $799. Curious as to why a pair of the 320W XL QB V2 Rspec Kits are $825. That has to be close to what is in lights isn't it? Or am I missing something?