Res Temp

How important is the res temp? What is the propper temperature range? Putting a gallon of ice in every day is a real pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
I'll leave the comments about how you should have done some searching or reading in the forums to others *hint* *hint*

Proper res temp is essential. Besides that it's easier to keep a higher DO level at low temps, it prevents a lot of problems such as your rez starting to smell like a sewer and growing new slime species and bacteria rather than mj.

There are several threads at RIU about how to keep you res cool, with the imo best option being a chiller (as used in aquariums). Expensive to buy, and at least a couple of hundred watt but it doesn't necessarily need to run 24/7.

I aim for 64.4F as optimal, but still happy if it says below 70F. Any higher and I start adding frozen bottles and/or cold water.

"I have read" that temps can and should be a little higher if you are using beneficial microbes...


Well-Known Member
From all the reading I have done, here is how I break it down. Cooler res. temps allow more oxygen to dissolve, reduce the chances of many different types of slimes, fungus and general nasty smells. It can get to a point where it is too cold, say below 60 and it can cause a bit of a slowdown in growth and have a negative effect on the good kind of microbes you want to have.

I have a 1/2" stainless coil in my reservior that I pump glycol water through from a res. in the freezer. I have let it run for 2 hours straight and the res. was in the upper 40's when I finally stopped ( I think that is just about as cold as it would get with the setup as it is now) which would more than likely kill whatever I dumped that I will get a chiller at sometime, but not for 1 res and 4 plants at a

Peace and Great Grows
