Reserva Privada OG Kush Indoor Grow

Ira Zissman

Indoors, Sub-Cool's super soil on the bottom 2/3 of the bucket and a 2:1 mix of ocean forest and light warrior on the upper 1/3, 175W CFL 6500k for Veg, 135w (I think? not sure the exact numbers but it's mostly red band) LED for Flower. Started off with a budget set up but I finally put it all together with a steel shelving unit that I surrounded in foil bubble insulation.

Had some heat stress around day 60, that I was able to diagnose through searching these forums, when it went from 50 degrees F outside to nearly 100 over a 2 day period, but I was able to lift the lights and ventilate it a little more a couple days ago and it seems to be recovering.

This is my first attempt at cloning (the mother died after a horrible light timer malfunction, and these are the only two clones that survived) as well as my first attempt at LST. I'm using that as practice for SCROG on future grows, so I can better understand the growth patterns of the plant before committing to a full scale SCROG. (See my albums for my 2nd attempt at LST, that one looks much better as that plant didn't have such a rough childhood) The two landscape oriented photos were taken right before putting them into flower and the two portrait oriented photos were taken around day 30 of flowering.

I am no expert and I am definitely here to learn. Any tips or other assistance would be greatly appreciated!


Ira Zissman

IMG_20130513_083712_638.jpg[HR][/HR]Quick shot of the inside of the grow box I built out of steel shelves. OG on your right (stage left) and that's Cannalope Kush on your left. I have since moved the light up much higher after the heat stress problem that arose shortly after taking this photo[HR][/HR]IMG_20130513_084036_359.jpgIMG_20130513_084025_847.jpgIMG_20130513_084009_408.jpgIMG_20130513_083550_135.jpgIMG_20130513_083333_607.jpgIMG_20130513_083239_122.jpgIMG_20130513_083152_650.jpgKIMG0003 (1).jpgA few shots of her up close, approx. day 60 of flowering. (I failed to note the date I switched to 12/12.)