Reusing super soil...


I just wanna shoot this out there. Sub says he does not reuse his super soil but how many people reuse there soil and reammend it over again and make it good again to just throwing it away. I thought other than pest getting in your soil the only thing that is getting used up is the nutrients right, so if you replace the nutrients and let it sit again isn't the soil as good as if newly made up ? Now everyone dont try to answer at the same time lol...


Well-Known Member
ive personally seen this question asked in here at least 3 other times. You will find that some people do reuse it. It can be done. Some dont, as they think fuck it, its cheep enough, why not just throw the used stuff in the raised garden beds outside... works ether way.


Well-Known Member
I reuse my soils. Look for a previous thread where I posted a long article from three little birds promoting recycling soils. I know Sub does not agree. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Agreed that it is relatively cheap to use up soil indoors and then throw it outside in the raised beds, but there is definitely something to be said about soil recycling.

This is a great old thread from grasscity - I would recommend reading the whole thing. Pay special attention to every single post by Lumperdawgz...this is your sage.

Enjoy :)

I would love to see this thread continued and expanded - soil recycling is something we should all be practicing. The highest quality organic living soils can ONLY be created through no-till practices and soil recycling, that is a fact. You cannot achieve the same levels of microbial activity with any out-of-bag potting soil that you can with a year old recycled soil - I don't care if you amend the shit out of the potting soil and let it "cook" for 30 days, it will not come anywhere near the microbial activity of a year old recycled soil.

So lets talk recycling :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Agreed that it is relatively cheap to use up soil indoors and then throw it outside in the raised beds, but there is definitely something to be said about soil recycling.

This is a great old thread from grasscity - I would recommend reading the whole thing. Pay special attention to every single post by Lumperdawgz...this is your sage.

Enjoy :)

I would love to see this thread continued and expanded - soil recycling is something we should all be practicing. The highest quality organic living soils can ONLY be created through no-till practices and soil recycling, that is a fact. You cannot achieve the same levels of microbial activity with any out-of-bag potting soil that you can with a year old recycled soil - I don't care if you amend the shit out of the potting soil and let it "cook" for 30 days, it will not come anywhere near the microbial activity of a year old recycled soil.

So lets talk recycling :bigjoint:
Hey Cann I'd love to hear more on the subject. First question I got might sound familiar..Do you recycle your soil? What is your method? What ammendents, minerals, meals, if any, do you replenish with?

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
my supersoil gets recycled into the veg soil, the trouble is if something gets out of wack, its very hard to correct. I have recycled soil for multiple years but i think my lime amounts built up and are causing problems, hard to say. I will probably have to start fresh to correct the problem.