Reveging a Stress Hermie?

So, long story short.

Recently had my single flowering plant hermie on me 4 1/2 weeks into flower. Pretty sure it was due to light leaks. At 3 1/2 weeks, i threw another plant into flower. I didnt want that one to be pollinated so I chopped the hermie and salvaged what I could for hash.

I chopped off the top, leaving the bottom 1/4 of the plant as is, and moved the pot outside and forgot about it.

Fast forward to today. Went and checked on it as I needed the pot its in. But it has started to reveg. And so far I cant see any new bananas.

Is it possible to reveg a stress hermie, and get it to revert back to being straight female? Or are those bananas lurking still, ready to strike at any moment?

Ive got plenty more seeds to use, but that was my last of that strain and it would be a shame to lose it, not even getting anything decent from its last run.

Its probably not possible, but I dont previously have any experience with hermies, so i dont really know.



Well-Known Member
I dunno. Sounds like a recipe for disappointment to me. Esp since you say you have other seeds in stock. Just cut your losses and move on would be my advice.


Well-Known Member
That's a good question, sorry I can't help with an answer, but if you find out, or try it, keep us posted.:wink:
IMO........ I wouldn't THINK so.


Well-Known Member
How do you know it was stress induced and not in the genetics? That, and revegging an otherwise good female in general won't give you the same results you had first time around... so IMO, definitely not worth it.


Well-Known Member
This should be in the advanced section, cuz' it is.

In theory, if a stress factor causes a female to self-pollinate...removing that stress factor should solve the problem. So it should not hermie again, unless the strain is already prone to it.

Were seeds feminized?.

Either way, I never toss plants unless I run out of room...

Advanced section mistake.

Anyways, the seeds were not feminised.

And tbh, I dont really have the room for it right now. But still, Ill figure something out if i have to.


Well-Known Member
Its not going to try to self pollinate if it is not flowering. Thats why youre not seeing any "bananas".

If I had a plant throwing out male flowers that early into flowering, I would scrap it. You could never know for sure what caused it.


Well-Known Member
Advanced section mistake.

Anyways, the seeds were not feminised.

And tbh, I dont really have the room for it right now. But still, Ill figure something out if i have to.
He wasn't saying you were wrong to put it here I don't think, I understood it to mean that had you put it in the 'advanced' section, you probably would have gotten more answers from the real analytical guys and gals.;-)