RH is only 33%


Hello, i just started a tent grow with 6 rooted clones. Currently my Temperature is 75F and my RH is only 33%. I put a humidifier directly next to the intake hole on the outside of the tent and the Humidity is still only 33%. Could this possibly be because the air from the humidifier is immediately being sucked out of the tent?
Is 33% ok for the vegetative stage of life?


Yo C/O. 33% will work ok. Yes it's being sucked out to quickly. If you can,slow down your exhaust and it will let that moist air build up in the tent and raise the RH.


Well-Known Member
pm = Powdery Mildew

Mites love low humidity. I try and keep mine around 50-55% this has helped BIG TIME where I used to strive for 35% when I started.