Rhino Skin how often to use and when?


Well-Known Member
just picked it up to try out since my grows feel really flimsy and week even as they age the buds are not really big either but can't even handle the weight.

i am confused though because people keep giving random answers to this question. the company states to use ONLY in flowering stage. where as many other growers say you can use it throughout the entire grow process.

me personally i was planning to use it during veg and half way into flowering because someone stated their smoke was very harsh using it as recommended fully in the flower phase

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
You can use it throughout the entire grow just fine as long as your plant's size is in an appropriate proportion to the dosage. Silicate products are supposed to help with more than just tougher limbs, but also heat stress and a lot of other physical stressers. It is not going to make your smoke harsh....now maybe if you did no flush whatsoever, and added it and all your other nutes up until the day of the chop. But even then, there seems to be a lot of debate. That "someone" almost definitely didn't dry and cure their smoke properly and/or for long enough. I've used Rhino Skin up until the flush in my DWC hydroponic system...smoke was smooth as ever. To jump back to another point, the manufacturer may be saying not to use it because the other products in their vegetative line are loaded with potassium already. Really not sure there as I don't use AN products. But if you use small doses in veggy, say, 1/4 - 1/8th manufacturer's bottle recommendation, I doubt you'll burn your plant.


Well-Known Member
You can use it throughout the entire grow just fine as long as your plant's size is in an appropriate proportion to the dosage. Silicate products are supposed to help with more than just tougher limbs, but also heat stress and a lot of other physical stressers. It is not going to make your smoke harsh....now maybe if you did no flush whatsoever, and added it and all your other nutes up until the day of the chop. But even then, there seems to be a lot of debate. That "someone" almost definitely didn't dry and cure their smoke properly and/or for long enough. I've used Rhino Skin up until the flush in my DWC hydroponic system...smoke was smooth as ever. To jump back to another point, the manufacturer may be saying not to use it because the other products in their vegetative line are loaded with potassium already. Really not sure there as I don't use AN products. But if you use small doses in veggy, say, 1/4 - 1/8th manufacturer's bottle recommendation, I doubt you'll burn your plant.
thanks i just used some on my plants. idk about the guy it was some random video talking about the line and his grows. hopefully it works really good my cat just ate the fuck out of my plants they look super sad now but should recover from it. if they don't recover then oh wells guess gonna have to start a new grow.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I've read in a lot of different places that silicates and seaweed kelp help a lot in stress like that. Plants can be surprisingly resilient, I hope your's bounces back from it well!


Well-Known Member
I've read in a lot of different places that silicates and seaweed kelp help a lot in stress like that. Plants can be surprisingly resilient, I hope your's bounces back from it well!
yea i've read kelp does but im hoping the silica works good too. 1 will bounce back for sure but the other 2 stronger growing plants are badly hurt plus they are so small to take that kind of stress. i added a bunch of stuff during transplanting that i hope helps. used b52, voodoo juice to innoculate the pro mix, rhino skin. i didn't feed them because i felt like it would of caused more issues but next watering i will be feeding. also added sesnsizyme to kinda clean out the roots from my previous soil since they been in that for a week now. now it is just the waiting game though


Well-Known Member
Looks like they've already recovered, you must have some healthy seedlings! Happy to see things turned out well for ya!
yea can't really pin point what is making them grow pretty good. im used to slow ass growth but im trying new things like better medium, AN line, before all i used was microrhizae and base nutrients from fox farm. they even have fucking side branches already


which is the first at this stage for me. usually i dont see them until maybe the 5th node. gonna be topping them soon maybe at the end of the week at the 5th node topping off the 6th and then start training. the right plant is the slowest but it's slowly catching up. the only thing bad i can see so far is slight heat stress likely due to lights being to close. edges are raised but i raised the lights even more today. haven't brought these plants outside either so im really hoping i don't see no damn aphids