Ricky from Cali here.


Active Member
Hey rollitupers,

Im Ricky, born and raised in California. I am 20 years old and am married with one beautiful daughter named Cali of course!

I got my prescription for medical marijuana because of lower back pains (passed on from generation to generation) i used to just deal with it but after smoking a sweet sweet bowl or simply lighting a spliff the pain goes. haven't felt it in months now.

I love my family and i love that my wife is on the same page with me on marijuana, she does however want me to stop smoking and use a vaporizor. i bought one off Ebay last night. ill let you know how it is.

I have decided to go all out on my first grow. i am joining forces with my cousins cousin who is an expert grower. I have allotted a bedroom for my super intense hydroponic chamber.

Starting with the whole clean room effect which is looking more and more like the star ship enterprise. I have purchased the Omega garden (the OG one) not the new ones. ill post up pics later. have to get a camera for this one!

well looks like everyone on here is pretty chill! i cant wait to show you pics everyone!
