right or wrong? play my conscience


Active Member
was out with a few friends on my birthday the other night and a girl ive known for years starts talkin about how she need to die and lists her scripts that she has and ive seen her take a handful of while drinking large amounts of alcohol...shit got bad and she NEEDED to go home i was mildly sober only a few drinks and walked her home to be sure she made it safe...along the way shes tellin me she needs to die starts hittin cars with shit and gets the cops called on her. atm i had her purse cause she couldnt hold it and her teacup whatever dog i had to cary...i emptied all of her pill bottles and pocketed them for myself while the mp were coming to take her away. i made sure an ambulance was called for her asap, i do not know how many pills she took total but it was far beyond a safe dose...am i a bad person for calling an ambulance for her after the mp were already there? and am i a bad person for taking all of her pills from her and giving the emt empty bottles of the script shes been takin?


Well-Known Member
was out with a few friends on my birthday the other night and a girl ive known for years starts talkin about how she need to die and lists her scripts that she has and ive seen her take a handful of while drinking large amounts of alcohol...shit got bad and she NEEDED to go home i was mildly sober only a few drinks and walked her home to be sure she made it safe...along the way shes tellin me she needs to die starts hittin cars with shit and gets the cops called on her. atm i had her purse cause she couldnt hold it and her teacup whatever dog i had to cary...i emptied all of her pill bottles and pocketed them for myself while the mp were coming to take her away. i made sure an ambulance was called for her asap, i do not know how many pills she took total but it was far beyond a safe dose...am i a bad person for calling an ambulance for her after the mp were already there? and am i a bad person for taking all of her pills from her and giving the emt empty bottles of the script shes been takin?
If you took the pills for the safety that she won't get in trouble with Law Enforcement, then its a plausible act. But scrubbing them for your own narcotic use, would be dead wrong! But hell you were a noble citizen and called for help... taking those pills from her is the best resolution possible. So its a half, half road!


Well-Known Member
Are you the same dude that cast on Justin.TV smoking bongs and shit from cali with a medical card? You look just like the dude.....

You did the right thing.... Damn that's a lot of drama....


Active Member
If you took the pills for the safety that she won't get in trouble with Law Enforcement, then its a plausible act. But scrubbing them for your own narcotic use, would be dead wrong! But hell you were a noble citizen and called for help... taking those pills from her is the best resolution possible. So its a half, half road!
i did take them for her own saftey, i fully believe if i had not she would have od and tried to kill her self again...for my own use...yeah im kinda iffy about that i have been scribed the same for different reasons and i will most likely use them when i need to , mostly because i have no way to access my own script. i will not be using anything that i dont toss to get HIGH and i didnt take them for that reason. i took them to protect her and now that i have them im torn if i could use them myself when the time comes or just flush it all now...

Are you the same dude that cast on Justin.TV smoking bongs and shit from cali with a medical card? You look just like the dude.....

You did the right thing.... Damn that's a lot of drama....
no i am not that man sorry


Active Member
Taking someones medication for your own use? You already know the answer.

no, i took it for her life and it worked she will be in a hospital for a few weeks but she will be alive. i am looking at this from the day after, having what i used to save a life but realizing it is what i need and cant afford. to flush or not to flush is my question...


Active Member
i am not a druggie i am not a dealer i grow for my own use only... i have something now that i took to save a life but i realise that it is what i have been scribed before and its very hard for me to get now........flush on not to flush is all i really want info on


Active Member
something to sleep ambien like...tyelonel 3 for mild pain and colozapan... all 3 i have had scrps for before but im leaning twards flushing it just to clear my concience and be happy that what i did got her the help she needed... i wall wait for my indica to finish flower and i will have sleep , pain relief and an antidepressant all in one


Active Member
Flush it dude. You'll sleep a lot better. :)
your right it will be done, + rep to you and everyone else that made their comment known... thanks everyone you made me 100% sure i did the right thing... im glad shes getting the medical attention she needs now


Well-Known Member
Make sure you go visit her in the hospital if you really care. Sounds like she could use a good friend right now. :)


Active Member
my wife and i and a few others already have plans to see her tomorrow. thanks for the definite help


Well-Known Member
Totally wrong in several different ways from a realistic viewpoint...

Some may see it as noble of you to want to see her home safely...my opinion is that you should stay away from women who carry that much baggage. You will never help them, but, as in this case, they will invariably hurt you.

From a realistic point of view you took that girl out and mugged her. When you took the drugs out of the bottles and put them in your pockets, you committed theft and were in illegal possession of narcotics. Just from that you're looking at jail time, and since there's special sentencing for cases involving doping victims, maybe double the sentence.

That's what you did wrong to yourself.

In her case the doctor would need to know what she had taken and how much of it she had taken. When he sees only empty bottles he's going to assume that she went bottoms up with them and treat her accordingly. Not only that, instead of being treated and released, that doctor is going to put her on suicide watch. He will do that to avoid a possible lawsuit. She may have been wasted when she went in, but when she wakes up in a padded room, possibly strapped to a bed, she's going to suffer.

You might have done what I would do in a similar situation, but the police and judge would see it as I wrote it.

Maybe neither of us are very smart.


Active Member
Totally wrong in several different ways from a realistic viewpoint...

Some may see it as noble of you to want to see her home safely...my opinion is that you should stay away from women who carry that much baggage. You will never help them, but, as in this case, they will invariably hurt you.

From a realistic point of view you took that girl out and mugged her. When you took the drugs out of the bottles and put them in your pockets, you committed theft and were in illegal possession of narcotics. Just from that you're looking at jail time, and since there's special sentencing for cases involving doping victims, maybe double the sentence.

That's what you did wrong to yourself.

In her case the doctor would need to know what she had taken and how much of it she had taken. When he sees only empty bottles he's going to assume that she went bottoms up with them and treat her accordingly. Not only that, instead of being treated and released, that doctor is going to put her on suicide watch. He will do that to avoid a possible lawsuit. She may have been wasted when she went in, but when she wakes up in a padded room, possibly strapped to a bed, she's going to suffer.

You might have done what I would do in a similar situation, but the police and judge would see it as I wrote it.

Maybe neither of us are very smart.
i can see where you may be comming from but i do not think you understand where we are comming fom ... we were on us government housing. i know her husband well and my wife knew i was taking her home...in no way would i take advantage of her. a suicide watch is one of the more less things that she needs... as i and other friends seen her rotate through other scripts shes threatened her, her husband and her childrens lives many times... she has now been without her children for several months and is far from better due to the overdose of meds. myself taking her home on a suisidal trip and taking her meds away from her is a good thing, i will dispose of those meds in a way that they can not be used...and she will live another dat... i do not feel bad abouit what i did, and even thoough i can ue her scripts to help me in my daily life they will still be destroyed and unused by anyone


Well-Known Member
I get what you say. Like I said, I would have probably have done the same, but I believe the cops and the judge would see it as I wrote it. It's been forever since I've seen any trouble, but when I was younger I had run-ins with them and they always reduce everything to it's most negative value and the judge likewise.


Well-Known Member
I get what you say. Like I said, I would have probably have done the same, but I believe the cops and the judge would see it as I wrote it. It's been forever since I've seen any trouble, but when I was younger I had run-ins with them and they always reduce everything to it's most negative value and the judge likewise.
That is why you NEVER talk to cops. NEVER