Ripped roots = trouble?


Well-Known Member
I had a beautiful girl on the front side of my house,after getting a little paranoid (this thing has gotten massive)I decided to move her to the back with her sister.It Is In a 5 gal pot,when I picked her up some roots had made there way through the hole's I had for drainage and rooted into the ground,well.....I lifted too fast,not thinking and RIP... some roots about the size of a large toothpick ripped off! Is this plant doomed or are the hardy enough to make It through this??
thanks for any advice!
In my experience you can recover a little with tlc, give her good food and light and time will heal.
How far on is she? Are you in veg or flower?


Well-Known Member
She Is In veg now,I have propably another month or so til the sun/night combo triggers her.she Is a solid 5 1/2feet tall.maybe i should keep her off the ground a little so the air stops the root growth or should i soak the ground and let her try and re:root?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
No reason to panic whatsoever. A plant that size could lose a large portion of the root-mass and still thrive with no ill-effects. No special treatment needed. Less is more in this situation.


Well-Known Member
that's crazy because I moved 2 of my plants that are in 7 gallon pots and they both had big rootballs coming out of the holes on the bottom and into my garden soil. kinda trippy looking. as long as the main rootball is intact everything should be fine.


Active Member
Its never good to cause damage to any of your root mass, but youre goin to be fine those feeler roots coming out of the bottom of the pot were not critical. Just hit your girl with a lil dose of any antishock product because she prob got a little shock but shell come out of it quick.


Well-Known Member
You will be find dude I cut roots all the time with no issues when I transplant from aero to soil. Dirrtyd