roadrunner cfl grow with pics


Active Member
Day 31 of my roadrunner baby, the growth on this girl is amazing, was keeping 2 6400k cfl,s an 4 2700k cfl,s about 3 inches away on a 24 hr light cycle, i changed to a 22 light an 2 hour dark and have found this suits my plant beta as i am having to move the light up another 2-3 inches a day, she has multiple stems. am feeding her on a chempak high potash feed 15-15-30, started with a 1/2 strength solution now up to full strength. there are a couple leaves which have died due to the quick rate of growth and the leaves where touching the bulbs. any advice is greatly appriciated. ;)

I have bought 2 more road runner seeds and 2 60 day wonders, due you think the bulbs i have are capable of growing 2 plants at once. cheers guys



Active Member
I'd say 3 more weeks from now.. did one of these a while back. Very nice, was shocked it was so potent actually, great plant. Sold me on dinafem, popped all my other freebies from them.