Rockwool Density?


New Member
Where i live i cant get the pre-made rockwool cubes i see that many people are using. So i thought ill make them myself out of Rockwool sheets. I can get Rockwool with the different densities 40kg/M3, 50kg/M3, 60kg/M3 and 80kg/M3. Which density is best to use for growing?
I searched the forum, but didnt find any info on it.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The pre-cubed/slab style rockwool used in hydro is high density and about 3" thick. I cut 2"x2"xH" cubes from high density slab.
I am now successfully using low density 2" rockwool that comes in a bale...which will last forever:)
With scissors I cut the cubes into 2"x2"x3" cubes and plant/clone with the grain, which is opposite from high density. I support the low density cubes with hydrorock.
In a cloning bin any proper size rock will do for supporting the low density rockwool..

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I've never gotton that serious about the density of rockwool..
I get the hard slab from a hydro shop. It's about w6"xh3"xL36". It's firm enough not to bend easy.
The low density comes in a bale and is compressed like fibre glass home insulation. It is in fact more tedius to use.
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New Member
Ok, maybe im focusing too much on the density. Ill probably get a little bit of each to try it out. Thanks alot for your input :)