

I was curious as to whether Rockwool was bad for the lungs as everyone seems to think. I was thinking that because nowhere on the Grodan Rockwool package does it say that the Rockwool is an irritant to the lungs and should be handled carefully.

In fact, there aren't any warnings at all and I felt that it would be a manufacturer's responsibility to warn of the hazards of their products. Imagine the kinds of lawsuits that would occur if this stuff causes lung cancer just as what occured with asbestos.

Also, Rockwool is used as insulating material in a lot of homes and seems to be safe. I haven't heard anything on the news about people complaining about their Rockwool insulation.

So I found these links but there are a lot more talking about how safe Rockwool is.

I think it's important that we try and dispell "myths" and "urban legends". I use to be scared to death early in my pot smoking life because they said if you smoked pot seeds, you would start having a low sperm count. I myself don't have any kids but a bunch of my pothead friends do.

Ignorance is piss, not bliss.


Well-Known Member
Good thought, but this is the first time I've heard of Rockwool being hazardous to someones health. I changed over to Rapid Rooters...


Well-Known Member
Nah, rockwool is safe. It's much like fiberglass, it can be an irritant if it gets into your throat, but generally, as long as you aren't shreding the stuff in a small room, you'll be fine. It's not like asbestos or anything, it won't cause permanent harm even if a little bit did find it's way into your throat/lungs.