Romney Speaks in Bill Clinton style but his message...


Well-Known Member
Romney Speaks in Bill Clinton style but his message.

I noticed and maybe you can verify this but Mitt Romney's speech patterns are almost an exact match for Bill Clinton's but naturally the message is not the same.

This may be his most clever trick yet.

For those not aware of the vocal tenets Romney is using please listen not only to what he says but the tonation and cadence form an articulation that sounds a lot like Bill Clinton.

If this is true and others can agree with my perception then we have a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I have a feeling that Romney is a serious devil who may not show his true colors until after he has power.

I just listened to a sound bite off the radio and again it is almost exactly Bill Clinton like. It's a bit weird too because it sounds like it's not easy for him to do physically. Meaning he struggles with the throat and I here it as guttural clicks.

Check it out.