Rookie Mistakes


Hey guys, growing for the first time here and believe I've made some mistakes. I germinated the seeds until the roots were present. I bought Miracle Gro high in nitrogen and somewhat compacted (mistake #1) the soil into 3 solo cups with cut slits at the bottom and filled about 3/4 full. I then transplanted the seeds with a tweezers about 3/16 inch deep. I then for the most part soaked the soil (mistake #2) and I can tell the seeds moved down a little further.

My question is how likely are they to grow or should I plan on germinating some new seeds? I planted about an hour ago so is there anything I can do to improve the conditions?

Please feel free to point out additional mistakes.
Thanks guys.


Active Member
i would say just let the soil dry out and the seedling to do its thing its will be couple days or sooner or later


Well-Known Member
Hi Timmy :)

Welcome to RiU :)

It's good to see someone here for help that answers his /her own question :) ... It shows you know where your going wrong already ... But the seeds you planted might still take .

Scrape away some of the top soil and as pointed out above .. just let them dry out under light ... you should see something within a few days ...if not you know it's time to redo :)

The soil i would not be sure about as i don't use it ... but i do know that soil or Coco with very little to NO nutrient in it will be way better for a beginner ... Just my opinion though :)

Sounds like you ad it all sorted out untill you watered , Your not alone when it comes to over doing it don't feel bad :)

Maybe look into rooting in Coco pellets ? ... or Coco Fiber for good results .

I grow from clones into Coco .... i only wet the very center of the pot where the stem is and leave the surrounding Coco dry... I use net pots ... This allows air to get to the Coco and makes sure that the pot is never over watered :)

Hope that helps a bit :)

Where do we get Coco from cant find it around here? Also this is my first time I have 3 female plants which seems to be taking forever to flower. They finally flowered honestly 8 months later and they are getting white "pistals" (not surte if thats the right word)but not turning amber or any other color but white and this has been going on for about 3 weeks still nice and green so I am lost the smell is amazingly strong and not sure when i should harvest or cure or whatever.I actually use this for medicinal reasons and was given clones from a medicinal place but thats all they could help with so i have been readign your forums and now i need HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!