Room construction


Active Member
Hello all, I’m building a 6x6x5 room in my crawl space, which isn’t heated or cooled but stays cool in the summer and a little warmer than outside temperature in winter. So my plan is to insulate the room I’m building using spray foam and foam insulation board essentially creating a cooler. Then putting my 4x4x5 gorilla shortie grow tent inside the “cooler”. I’m thinking it will not be a issue keeping it cool in there during summer and should be easily heated in winter with a small heater. And since there’s a 2x2 area of space not being used by tent I should be able to draw in air air for intake and vent outside the “cooler”. Anyone think this will work? Or am I smoking way too much?


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up...5 feet is pretty short. You'll have to keep your plants pretty small. I'm in a 7 foot tent and still fighting for height. Switching to building my own room without a tent height limit.