Room Temp Question Related To Pots and Soil ???


im currently growing out of a 11x10x9 room. there is one window which i am using for intake for both the room and hoods.

im running 4x1000 watt hortilux bulbs in 6" ducted yeild master II hoods with a 8" eco cooling all 4. for air flow im using s&p fans;a 10" for outake and a 8" for intake. i went with the s&p fans because there the high/low option and me having major sound issues.

anyway, here is my problem/question:

i have my intake coming in via the 8" fan and hepa filter (pix below) and in the general area the air comes out the floor and pots are REALLY cold. I find that the plants in that area take a lot longer to use their water up? I am growing in soil >5 Gal >average is about 28 to 32 inches away from light. average temp is 71 to 77... But sometimes if i dont go to turns the ballasts to 100% leaving at 75%.. maybe 69-70.

mind you that is above the canopy of plants..

i do have a dehumidifier i use when the humidity gets to high.. this also helps with warming the room. average humidity is 58 to 63.

now im not saying the room itself is cold but in that area im just not sure?



so i went into my room this evening and noticed my humidity was up to 71% the light had just come on so im assuming it was like that a few hours..:wall:

like three of my blue cheese ladies were curling upwards and in on itself??? (pix below)

is about 540 cfm with some osculating fans ok in a 11x10x9 room? i recently added the inline fan for intake before this run. during the summer i left the hole open using negative pressure.

any comments or questions for me to better assist would be great.. thanx:bigjoint:



ok ive noticed another one doing the same thing.. :sad: there are about 3 or 4 in total that are doing this.. (blue cheese 18 in total)

its only really happening on the right side of my room nearest to the intake. on the other side of my room the other 18 plants (different strain) are ok ??

this blue cheese has been very demandiing for me but i dont know... its my first time with it and my 5th grow overall so any insight on anything would be helpful.




i know this may be a dumb question??? but please can someone out there with some experience help me. i just went in my room.. lights are out and the humidity was at 64%:?:

one of the plants i noticed starting to curl in has alot of fan leaves around the cola doing it now:cry:

please anyone with some insight would be great....*sigh*:joint:


Anyone ?????

there r about 4 or 5 of them doing this now.. id hate to have to chop these but if thats what it comes too then i guess my dumb ass is just going to lose them..:cry:

it's funny i've been hitting this site for a minute now trying to soak up as much info as possible.. usually im able to find my issue on another thread and handle it that way but this one im not so sure..:joint:


and give the plants water everyday because they r thirsty they r curling up cause there trying to keep cool

there in 5 gal pots and most times i have to water every other day. not sure if you read everything but my issue was that it gets cold in that area nearest to the intake. on the floor it is really cold causing longer time to use water (it seems like anyway)???

there is a rusty kinda purplish look to most of the fan leaves curling?? and they are kinda dry. the plant has water so i would assume the curling would stop but no...???



Active Member
wow im surprised no one wants to help....

dude get some control going on in there

get a heater for one keep the temps lights off 68-72f and lights on 75-80f get the humidity under control you want it to hover any where between 25-60% no higher or else mold and shit yucky

all so watering every other day with 5 gallon buckets... make sure they have alot of drainage holes at the bottom and when you water WATER GOOD! make sure theres a good amount of water running out the bottom

you should be watering every 2-3 days.. let the soil dry out make sure its not moist like a few inchs down the top could be a desert but in a 5 gallon bucket could be wet still towards the bottom

how old are your plants? it might be normal for them to start yellowing and dying off but it looks like they got some heat stress and the lights are burning the plants how close are the lights?


wow im surprised no one wants to help....

dude get some control going on in there

get a heater for one keep the temps lights off 68-72f and lights on 75-80f get the humidity under control you want it to hover any where between 25-60% no higher or else mold and shit yucky

all so watering every other day with 5 gallon buckets... make sure they have alot of drainage holes at the bottom and when you water WATER GOOD! make sure theres a good amount of water running out the bottom

you should be watering every 2-3 days.. let the soil dry out make sure its not moist like a few inchs down the top could be a desert but in a 5 gallon bucket could be wet still towards the bottom

how old are your plants? it might be normal for them to start yellowing and dying off but it looks like they got some heat stress and the lights are burning the plants how close are the lights?
sorry haven't been on in a while.. discouraged with the experience received on the site.

no worries though.. :bigjoint:

i have 1000 watt hortilux's.. and i adjust them back and forth between 24-32 inches???

during that time i believe i was in week 5.. im now at the end of week 8 and am planning to harvest up here next week.

there were alot of things that may have played part in the browning of my plants.. lights being to close definitely may have been one???

this was my first time growing blue cheese or anything not purple dominant.. i found that it was a heavy feeder and DEMANDED alot of water.. and cal-mag!!!

i say that only in comparison to the super grape ape that i am also growing on the other half of my room..

though... the super grape ape did not show any signs of having problems during this grow:?:

either way i do appreciate the information giving and ill chalk this one up as another learning experience on this long road of mine... PEACE!!

ill post pix here in a lil bit.. just really busy during these times.. but this run is definitely my BEST yet...:bigjoint:


Active Member
Try raising the planters off the floor, I use short milk crates. The soil temp is what you really need to control. If your intake temp is low, and is dirrected at the roots, than it goes without saying that the roots will suffer. Try using ducting to redirect the intake air. I run it around the room with holes in it to more evenly distribute the air and lower the "blast" being dilivered to one spot only. I put a small thermometer in the soil to tell me what the temps really are as opposed to a wall mounted thermometer that only tells me what the temp is at the thermometer site. ( I bought a bunch of cheap thermometers at the wal-mart fish dept, I think a buck each.)
As far as the leaf curl, I have no idea as I am a first time grower and don't have much experience diagnosing growing problems. Let the plants tell you when to water as opposed to trying to stick to an arbitrary schedule. It works for me that way anyway.