Root Bound?


First time grower. I have 2 outdoor plants in 5 gallon buckets. They're as big as they'll get in the buckets but I have what 2+ months before flowering? Will this have serious negative effects? They're in the buckets so i can move them to direct sunlight throughout the day. Should I try to cut off the bottom of the buckets and transplant into the ground to allow for more growth(with less direct sunlight) or will they be okay just staying this size?


Active Member
That's a good question. I could certainly see a plant out growing a 5 gallon container in the next 2 months, and then the flowering time after. It will limit the size to a degree. I think you could still get a big yield from it. You can move these plants now when they are in veg, but once they start to flower it will likely be impractical.

Go out and buy a kiddie pool for $10 at walmart. Move them to the best possible place. Cut the bottom of the 5 gallon buckets off but leave the roots intact. Stick the bottom of the bucket into the top of the soil inn the pool. The plant will spread its roots and take advantage of the new soil. This method will give you a substantially bigger yield.