Root Inoculation in DWC a good idea?


Well-Known Member
I am in the process of setting up my first DWC grow in a long time. I have been growing in soil and I always use a root inoculant like ZHO. Are these products beneficial in a DWC set up? I never used these products for my past DWC grows but that was a while ago and a lot of new products have hit the market since then. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. thanks


Well-Known Member
I just use GO Bio Root... which is your basics for root growth with a few humic acids. Honestly, I don't even think it's completely necessary. DWC is already structured around massive root growth and it will happen with or without fancy stuff.


Well-Known Member
I use ZHO directly on seedlings a couple of times while they are getting established and then only very periodically through veg (maybe a couple of times more). I also use it on cuttings as soon as they start to root in a bubble cloner (you'll see a noticeable improvement in root fuzziness and branching). It's not needed during mid to late flowering - fungi should already be well established in/on the roots by then. But yeah, you can use beneficials with any nutrient line - just have to rely on the plant to feed the fungi, and replenish the bacteria (if you use a product like AquaShield) as directed.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh, if we're talking about clone rooting and cleanness as well as overall root health, I agree with these guys as well ^^ So to clarify from my last post, I 100% believe that bennies are necessary. xD
I use a 1/2 scoop of Great White myco from Plant Success with every res change (4 gallon). I believe in the theory that if your res is full of good bacteria and fungi then the bad ones like pythium will not be able to take a hold.


Well-Known Member
Yes they work fine in aero/hydro/dwc. I have used most available and found pondzyme to best the best overall deal.


Well-Known Member
Hey you use the pondzyme in a tea or just as additive to rez? Whats your dosage that you apply?


Well-Known Member
Hey you use the pondzyme in a tea or just as additive to rez? Whats your dosage that you apply?
No, I use pondzyme and aqua shield in 50gal RES's. 150ml of pondzyme and half a scoop of pondzyme to start and then 1\4 scoop every 4-5 days. Never ever wanted more mess by brewing a tea.