Root Slime, what products do you use? I have heard of so many, which is best?


I apologize for not being on the board earlier, I have been sick, with nausea and vomiting after going through my last treatment, and I was stuck in bed, like I said, I have a good few hours in the morning to ph and take care of my plants. The ones in coco, I added Azomite, used thrive alive B -1 omri for transplanting and doing well. I have Actinovate, SM-90, Aqua-Shield, and H2o2, which depending who you listen to should get rid of the slime. It is not root rot, just slimy, it's not dark brown, just slimy. I am extremely careful with cleanliness, I was 1 day late changing my resovoir, changed it it on the eighth day due to being sick and exhausted, and my husband had some super flu going around here, that he was no use with helping me. What does everyone's general consensus on getting rid of the slime believe is the best way, I read the Heisenberg Method, I am a little confused, but I will retread it considering I was on medication reading it. feeling better today, I want to save these plants, they do have root growing out of nets, just slimy. Do I need to flush them again, and what method or product do you think is the best of removing and preventing that slime. I upgraded to better air stones that you can see the bubbles hitting the netted pots by hydro farm, work 20x better then the ones that stealth provided, I am continuing using General hydro Flora Series, I have added minute amounts of liquid karma and super thrive. I have foliarly sprayed with Thrive alive in green omri with some coco wet, and that is it? If anyone has any suggestions, I appreciate your help in advance! indicakat
stop use everything that contain organic, add some aquashield and oxygen with air pump. Pray. In hydro , avoid organic.
I have not used any other methods, but what about foliar feeding with sm-90? And why should I avoid organics, I do not like chemicals in my weed, is there no way possible to not use only organically in dwc?
yes you could go 100% organic but you will be more likely to have slimy roots and root diseases. In hydro you want to keep the rootzone as clean as possible.