root system is falling behind


Active Member
Whats up guys, I need some advice from you pro- DWC dudes. I started two cuttings in my rubbermaid dwc 3 weeks ago. one of them was actually transferred over two days prior to the other one. for organization sake lets call the first one plant A and second one plant B. Plant A initiated great roots and is taking off nicely with several taproots growing fibrously into the bubbled water. plant B grew good roots at first, initiating two main taproots down into the water, but is seeming to stall root growth now. a buddy of mine recommended i give them a top feed with distilled or R/O water to flush any salts out of the hydroton they are in. also, lowering my ppm to let this smaller plant "catch up". i did this today and im waiting to see if it helps. im wondering if you guys know any other ways to help push root formation. i just can't believe a cutting moved over two days later could be so far behind the other one.