rootbound plant


My plant, which has been growing for about 2 months is 2 feet 8 inches and nicely bushy .. it is in a 5 gallon bucket and already the roots are about reaching the bottom of the bucket! Why is this happening?


Well-Known Member
Roots like to stretch their legs...I have roots growing out the bottom of my 45 gallon smart pots, but they're on a wood deck so when I move the pots you can just see the spiderweb root layer that grew betwen the pot and the wood, but yeah, roots do that, they like to grow...818 homie? Near Canoga Park? Wanna blaze?


Active Member
disecting my last grows roots, i transplanted from 6" to 3gal and the roots grew to the outside of the pot and down, and stringy, no roots grew in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Just because they appear at the bottom does not mean its rootbound. In a 5 gallon pot it would really have to clutter up down their, you would deff know.


New Member
Lolis this a joke question

Its a weed which means more rootmass thats kills off surrounding plants

Therefore pot roots love to grow wide and very very deep. I have a 20 gal and its about root bound