Rooting Compound Comparison


Hey everybody... I thought since I've been getting some good help around here, I'd try to give something back to the community, albeit something small. Hopefully it will help someone out.

I bought some Schultz Take Root Powder at Home Depot, Ordered some Olivia's gel online, and since I made a semi-big order from them, they sent me a small sample of Roottech gel and Superthrive.

I decided to try all 3 at the same time in an aero cloner to see what kind of results I got.

The FIRST one to root was the Roottech gel. I'm talking like 3 days and there were nice little prickly roots.

Second to root was the Schultz Take Root. Couple days after. At this time, the Olivia's were just barely starting to get bumps... but I could tell they were coming along.

Olivia's was last to root... but you sometimes get rewarded for patience. I took these picturesd after about 12 days and while being the last to root,... well, you just look at the pictures and decide for yourself.

oliv.jpgoliv2.jpgBoth Olivia's




Active Member
Never did like that powder stuff. Root tech is my winning ticket. always seems to work well and fairly priced


Well-Known Member
12 days is a while but damn look at all of those roots, I don't use cloning products though I just make a soil mix for rooting that has worked for me 100% so far. but I've only taken 3 clones ever. Its basically just a seed starting mix with a mycorhizae inoculate and some rabbit poop for tricontanol and mild nitrogen. Its actually pretty easy to clone in soil surprisingly.

you can also make a tea from willow branches that stimulates root growth just in case you wanted to try out some other methods.

Thank you for the comparison though very useful.