Rooting Gel vs Powder

What is everyone's personal opinion on Gel vs Powder? I have never used powder, I have only used Rootech and Clonex gel. I heard the powder sticks to your plant longer after a couple of waters, but I thought you dont water the clones until they grow roots since the cuttings are not absorbing the water in the rockwool or whatever medium is being used. There are various articles on rollitup about the same exact subject, but I try to refrain from looking up posts that a couple of years old since times (and technology) are rapidly advancing every day.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
My first attempts at cloning were not very successful and I was using powder (80% mortality rate).

But my clone zone was very primitive and I inexperienced.

I'm getting some proper kit for the job this time around and I will by using gel this time.

I will use both over time and see if one has greater success rate than the other, but I’m not in a position to do that now.


Well-Known Member
Last time I cloned I used nothing other than rockwool and a propogator.

Roots in 9 days.

I've used clonex and did have some but it was past its use by date so I didn't bother using it.

Another trick when cloning using a dome or propogator is don't spray the plants , spray the done or propogator.



Well-Known Member
i just use root gel and Jiffy 7 peat pellet with the jiffy humidity dome.. the jiffy pellets and dome was only 4 bucks at walmart.. don't waste your money on bubble cloners or rockwool... the pellets are cheaper and work better.