roots have grown out the pot?

the roots have grown out the pot into the run off collector. is this good or bad? the plant seems to love it and the root mass is getting bigger every day. she is 3 weeks in from 12/12. ???:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
the roots have grown out the pot into the run off collector. is this good or bad? the plant seems to love it and the root mass is getting bigger every day. she is 3 weeks in from 12/12. ???:eyesmoke:
I myself wouldn't think this is a good thing at all bro. Seriously!
It sounds to me like you need to repot.
So you mean that your roots are coming out the holes in the bottom
Of you container?? If so could you please post some pictures,
So I could see what & how things look?? It would help out
A lot more... thanks.


Well-Known Member
If there are a lot of roots coming out of the bottom and you re pot then expect it to go into shock for a little while.

IMO I wouldn't re pot if you are 3 weeks into flowering. They shouldn't grow much more.

Even if you don't re pot, be careful not to rip the roots as you could still cause shock.


Well-Known Member
I personaly myself would.. I have had to do it numerous times due to the
Same situation. I end up carefully sliding the whole root ball, dirt & all,
And gently placing it into a bigger pot & or a fabric bag works well for this!
And then I water mine with a "no shock" additive & they do just fine.
They also tend to get alittle bigger after this,lol...

Just be carefull & you'll be alright.. good luck.


Well-Known Member
If it's got a lot of roots coming out the bottom, you can also avoid transplant shock by actually adding more dirt in a separate container underneath... so you'd just stick like, a tray of dirt where the drip tray is, basically.... it's like adding an extension to the pot... the root growth that has already gone through the drainage holes will find it's way down into it without having to be shocked by the process of being ripped back up through the drainage holes (or knocked off accidentally) when the root ball is removed for a traditional transplant.